Rabbi Dov Fischer

Rabbi Dov Fischer, a law professor and senior rabbinic fellow at the Coalition for Jewish Values, is a senior contributing editor at The American Spectator.

On apartheid, antisemitism, and the death of the '2-state solution'


Netzach Yisrael lo Y'shaker v'lo Yinachem (I Samuel 15:29) – The eternity of the Jewish People cannot be extinguished because Jews are not an individual but a People of Destiny.

Conservatives throughout the world already had given up on Amnesty International, but many on the Left continued harboring a belief that AI is a fair broker with a focus on advocating impartially for justice, refugees' and immigrants' rights, and against capital punishment. Few saw it as anti-Semitic.

y calling Israel "apartheid" for inclining towards a Jewishly ethnic, Judaically religious, and Hebraically phonic society in the Land of the Bible, Amnesty International has laid out is cards. It no longer can pose as a fair broker. That helps Israel. It defamed the only Western democracy in the Middle East, even as Ra'am, an all-Arab Muslim political party, sits in the governing coalition, advocates successfully and vigorously for Arab Muslims' interests in expanding their footprint in the Negev, and even wins for Israel's Arab Muslim population unprecedented millions of shekels in budgetary set-asides. Ra'am even controls the four deciding votes that determine every critical national policy the Knesset decides from economic priorities to confronting COVID-19 to defining the role of the Chief Rabbinate in conversions to Judaism.

This is apartheid? A system of governance that sees Arab Muslims serving as judges on consequential judicial benches as high as the supreme court? Where monthly stipends are sent to Jews to encourage more babies and the same also are sent to Arab Muslims to foster their procreation? Where street displays invariably include Arabic signage? Where Arab Muslim graduate students receive stipends and fellowships to attend graduate programs at Israeli universities and where Arab Muslims also are faculty?

It is perfectly reasonable, amid the comity of nations, that Israel was conceived to harbor a Jewish identity and majority. Countries have national identities, often with racial overlays. No European country has had a black head of government or state. Japan and China are manifestly Japanese-majority and Chinese-majority respectively. Article 2 of France's Constitution sets French as the country's official language. Germany's Administrative Procedure Act §23 establishes German as their official administrative language. French language laws predominate in Quebec. Turkey bans Kurdish as a language of instruction in schools.

The United Kingdom officially declares Christianity its official religion and the Church of England its state church. Sunni Islam is the only permitted religion in Saudi Arabia.

So why pick on Israel?

If Amnesty International's end game is to eradicate the one Jewish country, whose 1948 birth they deem to have been conceived in Original Sin, they have arrived too late. If their goal is to advance a "two-state solution," even that train has left the station. The future of Judea and Samaria is determined irreversibly, even though European diplomats, the Biden administration, and even Israel's partly governing Meretz and Labor parties have not received the memo. With 800,000 Jews now staked and deeply rooted in East Jerusalem and throughout the rest of Judea and Samaria, there will be no "two-state" anything.

Israel barely managed to uproot and resettle 8,600 Jews she evicted from Gush Katif in 2005. A hundred times that many tomorrows? No amount of diplomacy, strategizing, media bullying, or negotiating can dislocate nearly a million Jewish homeowners and long-term lessees and find new homes for them in a country the size of New Jersey, the size Israel would be without Judea and Samaria. Amid Israel's present severe massive housing shortage, she barely can accommodate those hunting for residences.

Perhaps if the apartheid Palestinian Authority would allow Jews to buy homes there?

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