A total commitment

Holocaust Remembrance Day last month and the anniversary of the San Remo conference, remind us of the miracle of Israel, the need for Israel and our absolute commitment to ensure its eternal survival.

Will Israel ignore the ICC, or reject its authority?

'Lack of knowledge about your rights to the land causes internal division'

For 20 years, Dr. Jacques Gauthier has been working on his doctoral dissertation on the legal aspects of the San Remo Conference. Now considered the world's leading expert on the subject, he explains the significance of the decisions made at the conference and talks of the special connection with the state. "I am not connected to a particular religion, but when I travel to Israel, I connect to the beauty of the land and to the trinity of God, the land and the people.

'The birth of the State of Israel'

'The birth of the State of Israel'

Chaim Weizmann defined the San Remo Conference as one of the most significant events in the history of Zionism. The Balfour Declaration laid the foundations for the powers to support the establishment of a Jewish home in Israel. The French tried to challenge the move, but the conference gave the green light to establish a national home for Jews in Palestine.

From Napoleon to Balfour

From Napoleon to Balfour

For centuries, the Christian world has recognized the connection that Jews have to the Land of Israel. Many tied Jesus' second coming to the political-sovereign restoration of the Jews, others saw the establishment of the state as part of Christian redemption. In modern times, this has had political implications that underpinned the success of Zionism.

Sovereignty is claimed, not awarded

Israeli governments have largely failed to state forthrightly their rights over all parts of the country, leaving their opponents in the international community free to make statements and carry out measures, such as the disengagement from Gaza.

Historical justice

The resolutions of the San Remo Conference are valid and relevant to this day, but despite its crucial importance – this important chapter in our history has been forgotten. As chairman of the World Zionist Organization, a position held by Chaim Weizmann during the conference, I am determined to ensure that the chapter of San Remo is properly incorporated into the school curriculum.