Blue and white energy

Blue and white energy

Israel's collaboration with the American private sector has paved the way for the Israeli economy's energy independence, ushering in the natural gas revolution.

Israel's older and wiser sister

Israel's older and wiser sister

As long as we preserve the liberal democratic principles Israel was founded on, we will maintain our special relationship with the United States and ensure that the BDS movement is swept into the trash bin of history.

'There is no Zionism without Judaism'

'There is no Zionism without Judaism'

Bolstering the settlement enterprise, encouraging immigration, fighting anti-Semitism, and pushing to preserve the Hebrew language among Diaspora Jews – the World Zionist Organization strives to change what it sees is growing indifference, mainly among American Jewry.

'We need to take advantage of Trump's time in office'

'We need to take advantage of Trump's time in office'

"The Trump administration is the most friendly toward Israel since the state was founded. In this administration, there isn't a single official who is problematic for Israel," says former Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren. "We haven't lost bipartisan support, but it is being challenged when it comes to the question of what issue is being discussed," he says.

'Israelis are winners'

'Israelis are winners'

Israeli-Canadian businessman and philanthropist Sylvan Adams is an avid Zionist who works tirelessly to promote what he calls "the normal Israel" worldwide. Adams says that by showing Israel to the world through the prism of major cultural and sporting events he can transform Israel’s image abroad.

'The JNF is more relevant today than ever'

'The JNF is more relevant today than ever'

In addition to its ongoing efforts to redeem land and support and strengthen Jewish communities in the Diaspora, the Jewish National Fund is poised to unroll "Relocation Israel," a multiyear work plan whose goal is to bring 1.5 million Jewish residents to the Galilee and the Negev.