Cancel culture is the new black

Despite my biography, I have never considered myself to be a victim of my life circumstances or a victim of the social systems that have impacted me one way or another.

Everything is both yes and no

Falling and rising

Even in normal times, in the runup to a flight to Israel, I feel bifurcated between the two countries, not really present in either.

Victory Day

Lagging behind

The time difference between NY and Israel is much greater than 7 hours, it is the difference between who I was and who I am today.

Everything is both yes and no

Suspending reality

The world is more familiar and the nightmares have become less frequent, but the borders that separate reality and dreams are still very much blurred.

Victory Day

A table of one's own

This week D. asked me why I find it so easy to write on things that are foreign to me, but have a hard time writing on things that are dear to me and so familiar.

Everything is both yes and no

Like a deer

Now that the fear has receded a bit, the two months that have passed have reminded us of Zvi’s nice parts, and now we all envy him for being a superhero with antibodies.

On Book Week

Year after year, I go there, and always meet people who read, who are also quite the characters. Jerusalem is full of such people.