Living in a snowball

So what’s going to happen with this famous progressive feminist who has infamously become a neoliberal just because she wants women to be self-sufficient financially?

On attachment 

The last time that I felt something like this was in 2003, when my doctor advised me to get an abortion because of a virus that had been detected in my blood tests.

2020 was a special year

It doesn’t matter who creates culture or art, the money always trickles from the top down, from the higher echelons to the lower rungs of society.

A summer without vacation

In light of these hectic times, I am so grateful for studying philosophy and that over the next five years, until my PhD is complete, I will be able to deal with the latest social trends.

Victory Day


“Yes, you have a health coverage policy, but you are not a member of the HMO, you have to call the Magen David Adom first-responder service,” they told me