Netanyahu to Gantz: Sovereignty or elections

Netanyahu to Gantz: Sovereignty or elections

This is a critical week, not just for the settlement enterprise but for the political system. If the Americans demand Blue and White's cooperation as a condition for green-lighting the sovereignty initiative, the government will instantly become a pressure cooker.

Netanyahu condemns 'vicious attack' at home of New York rabbi

No going wobbly now, Bibi

PM Netanyahu’s hesitation about applying Israeli law to Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley is clearly a product of the immense pressure he is under from every direction to shelve President Trump’s Middle East peace plan.

Israel's biggest political bombshells of the decade

New government has its work cut out for it

With novice politicians slated to head half of the ministries, a serious shakeup in Likud, and coming off 18 months of minimal activity over the political logjam, the new government is facing more than one uphill battle.

Blue and White's crocodile tears

Blue and White cry foul to distract from Gantz’s inability to form a government. Their anti-democratic fighting over the Arrangement Committee proves that, to Blue and White, Israel and the current corona crises take a backseat to petty politics.