Can Israel avoid early elections?

Can Israel avoid early elections?

Bennett and Lapid can ask the president to dissolve the Knesset on the grounds it is disrupting the function of the government. The president would then need to task another lawmaker with forming a government.

Coalition loses Knesset majority after chairwoman resigns

Idit Silman's resignation has backfired

Everyone in the coalition understands full well that their house of cards could soon come toppling down. Yet it is precisely this fear that has coalition members coming together now to an even greater extent.

Netanyahu offers Sa'ar, Bennett tripartite power-sharing deal

Bennett's scorecard 100 days in

For the moment, the Bennett-Lapid government seems to answer the desire of many Israelis for leadership that is neither radical Left nor radical Right, neither anti-religious nor obnoxiously religious-coercive, neither feeble nor fierce.

Bennett's government has to pay the piper

Bennett's government has to pay the piper

Ra'am's threat of a parliamentary strike worked. This time around, they may have gotten what they wanted due to a coalition agreement, but once such extortionate ties are established, there is no reason for things to end here.