2 fighter jets nearly collide at Israeli airbase

2 fighter jets nearly collide at Israeli airbase

Drama unfolded at the Ramat David Airbase when an F-16 fighter pilot received clearance from the control tower to take off. While accelerating to 250 km/h, the pilot spotted another fighter jet directly in front of him. At the last possible moment, the pilot shut off his engine and managed to steer the jet away.

Outrage after Christian KIA's grave hidden from public

Outrage after Christian KIA's grave hidden from public

The distraught mother of the late Staff Sergeant David Bogdanovsky shared, "I was horrified to find they had placed a black cloth over my David, my hero, a hero of the State of Israel, concealing his tombstone and the cross. Words fail to express the humiliation I experienced."

Revealed: Israel's 9-year operation that fooled Hezbollah

Revealed: Israel's 9-year operation that fooled Hezbollah

The op's first phase began in 2015 with the introduction of booby-trapped walkie-talkies into Lebanon. According to the Washington Post, "the mobile two-way radios contained oversized battery packs, a hidden explosive and a transmission system that gave Israel complete access to Hezbollah communications."