Israel considers opening gates of hell on Hamas to bring hostages home

With Trump, there is an historic opportunity in Gaza

The President has already demonstrated his willingness to break past conventions and adopt creative solutions. The prime minister, for his part, must bring new 'out-of-the-box' ideas to the table. This is how the ticking time bomb in Gaza can be defused.

AP's twisted tale of professional malpractice

AP's twisted tale of professional malpractice

The physicians’ Hippocratic oath to “do no harm” is directly at odds with Hamas’ and Hezbollah’s devastating decision to wage war against Israel in October 2023, condemning tens of thousands of Palestinians, Lebanese and Israelis, including countless children, to death and injury. But AP has overlooked that.

On the moral confusion of the JC's Jewish critics

On the moral confusion of the JC's Jewish critics

Did any of the departing journalists consider resigning about the Guardian after, for instance, their cartoonist Steve Bell published antisemitic cartoons – particularly one about ‘Jewish power’ that could have appeared in a modern day Der Sturmer?  Did they do any soul searching when the outlet legitimized the toxic libel that Israel steals Palestinian organs?  Were they at all uneasy about the fact that their outlet endorsed Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party in two elections?

Dancer from Taiwan brings healing through movement to Oct. 7 mothers

Dancer from Taiwan brings healing through movement to Oct. 7 mothers

“Dance has the power to transcend language barriers and touch the deepest parts of the human soul. Our goal is to create a space where these grieving mothers can find moments of peace and connection through movement," Representative Ya-ping (Abby) Lee, the head of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel-Aviv, says.