Classified documents from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that have been declassified reveal a surprising attempt to locate the Ark of the Covenant – one of Judaism's most sacred treasures – using unconventional methods. This was published Wednesday evening by the British Daily Mail.
According to documents declassified in 2000, in 1988 the CIA conducted an experiment as part of a secret project called "Sun Streak," in which they used people with "remote viewing" capabilities – that is, the ability to perceive information about distant places, events, or people through extra-sensory abilities.

In one of the experiments, a person identified as "Remote Viewer Number 032" was given coordinates to locate an unknown target. Without being told what the exact target was, he described a "container," which according to the document matches descriptions of the Ark of the Covenant.
"Target is a container. This container has another container inside of it. The target is fashioned of wood, gold and silver," the viewer was quoted in the document. The viewer continued to describe that the ark-like object is located "somewhere in the Middle East" and that he heard people in the area speaking Arabic.

According to Jewish tradition and biblical sources, the Ark of the Covenant was built by the Israelites shortly after the exodus from Egypt. Moses placed within it the Tablets of the Covenant containing the Ten Commandments. The Ark was considered the most sacred object and resided in the Holy of Holies, the innermost chamber of the Temple in Jerusalem, until it disappeared during the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BCE.
The document describes mysterious details about the Ark that do not appear in traditional sources. According to the viewer's description, "The target is hidden underground, dark and wet," and that "The purpose of the target is to bring a people together. It has something to do with ceremony, memory, homage, the resurrection. There is an aspect of spirituality, information, lessons and historical knowledge far beyond what we now know."
One of the fascinating descriptions in the document states that "The target is protected by entities and can only be opened by those who are authorized to do So this container will not/cannot be opened until the time is deemed correct. Once it is time to open the container, the mechanics of the lock system will be found to be fairly simple. Individuals opening the container by prying or striking are destroyed by the container's
protectors through the use of a power unknown to us."
Friendly reminder that the CIA, in declassified documents, admits that the Ark of the Covenant is real and documented.
— Theoteron ☦️ (@theoteron) August 13, 2021
The report also includes sketches of a domed mosque, eight "mummies" arranged side by side, a wheel, and a winged creature called a "seraph." Additionally, it includes lists of meaningful words such as "death," "forbidden," "protected," "afraid," "destroyed," "pain," and "torment."
Many theories have been proposed in the past regarding the current location of the Ark of the Covenant. While some historians believe it was lost forever, others believe it was taken to Ethiopia and is kept in a church called "Mary of Zion." However, researchers who examined this possibility claim that what is kept there is merely a much later copy of the Ark.
Despite the considerable skepticism regarding the unconventional methods used in the CIA research, the revelation raises anew the question of whether the Ark of the Covenant, one of Judaism's most sacred objects, still exists somewhere waiting to be rediscovered.