At the release ceremony of three Israeli hostages on February 8, 2025, Hamas operatives wearing green keffiyehs (their prophet's preferred color) presented the three hostages for this round of releases in a "pompous" parade, under a massive banner riddled with Hebrew errors titled "The Time of the End" and beneath it "The Flood – The Day After." The banner defiantly declared: "We will be here even after the war."
It was a surreal parade managed by al-Qassam members, who stood on a stage facing the destroyed homes of Gaza residents who had served as their human shields and were abandoned to their fate. The banner featured a grotesque six-fingered fist, highlighting the absurd contrast between the megalomaniacal show of force by the armed "death-seeking" cowards emerging from tunnels, and Sinwar's abandoned Gazan "human shields" – whose homes were destroyed and who were left to their fate in collapsing tents, hungry, sick, mentally broken amid storms of rain and rising sewage.
Before Oct. 2023, Sinwar followed Israeli media with satisfaction. The protesters in the squares emphasized division, factionalism, and discord among Jews. Messages of resistance in the IDF and among its pilots broadcast weakness and defeatism. In his view, the Jews' cowardly army avoided confrontation, practiced containment, and entrenched itself behind walls, fences, and electronic equipment.
Analyzing this data, Sinwar concluded that the Islamic operational code from the Muslim Brotherhood's school of thought, dealing with God's promise to destroy the Jews, indeed matched the Quran's promise. "Bingo," he told himself. The situation on the ground matched the description of Jews in Sura 59 "al-Hashr" (The Exile), as treacherous troublemakers who are divided, and as cowards who fight Muslims only from behind walls or fences (verse 14).
In Sinwar's eyes, the ancient Islamic heritage that he and his comrades had memorized in streets and mosques came alive in vivid colors of blood: "Khaybar Khaybar ya yahud – jaysh Muhammad sawfa ya'ud" (the army of Muhammad will return") - and now, he would be the one to implement the Muslim Brotherhood's role model and their terror arms and eliminate the Jews.
This seventh-century heritage describes the defeat of the wealthy "Khaybar" fortresses in Saudi Arabia, rich in springs and plantations, which were owned by Jews. After they were breached, Muhammad and his men slaughtered the Jews, buried hundreds in a mass grave in Medina's dump, plundered and destroyed the Jewish community of Khaybar and brutally raped their women (Safiyya bint Huyayy ibn Akhtab and Rayhana bint Zayd, for example).
Indeed, the Khaybar vision was copied and implemented in a blood-freezing manner in the cruel massacre that Sinwar and his men carried out against the Jews of the Gaza border communities. In his speech on April 14, 2023, as part of "Jerusalem Day," Sinwar noted that the approaching Arab-Islamic-Palestinian war against Israel is a religious war. This appears in "The Book" (the Jews' Bible) as a prophecy of destruction for Israel, and is quoted in the Quran in Sura (chapter) 17 "al-Isra" ("The Night Journey") in verse 7.

This verse, which Sinwar quoted extensively in his speeches, predicts Israel's destruction for the "second time" at the "time of the end" (the first – in their interpretation – in the days of Nebuchadnezzar). This destruction would occur at the hands of Hamas men under his command. Based on past examples and this Quranic vision, Sinwar was certain that "Allah's men" – Hamas' Nukhba – would cause great harm to Israelis, enter the "mosque" (Jerusalem and the State of Israel) as before, and destroy what the children of Israel had built up.
To fulfill the time of the end promise "secondly" (as appears in al-Isra above), Sinwar chose the Gaza border communities as an "aperitif" for Jews throughout Israel. As is their custom, the Islamists deliberately desecrate Jewish holidays, such as Yom Kippur and Shabbat. This time too, the terrorists set the murder on Saturday and Simchat Torah. The murderous massacre and looting were carried out to the cheers of Gaza residents as an imitation of the slaughter of Khaybar's Jews, and Gazans distributed "halawiyat" (sweets) in the streets while Jews were being slaughtered.
The Islamists' interpretation of Israel's elimination "secondly" is problematic, since contrary to the Quran's interpretation, the Jewish Temple was destroyed twice (Babylon and Rome). This happened hundreds of years before Muhammad's appearance, and before Sinwar decided that Allah chose specifically someone like him as the contractor for Israel's destruction "secondly." Another absurdity arises at the end of that same sura (al-Isra) where Allah actually instructs the children of Israel to "dwell in the land," and that when the "time of the end" comes he will gather them from all corners of the earth to their land.
What is the explanation for the contradiction? According to Sinwar and the Muslim Brotherhood – Allah intends to kill them specifically in the land of Israel using the "Gog and Magog" method. From this interpretation it appears that it is difficult for Allah to eliminate the Jews abroad – without Sinwar and the mujahideen as "subcontractors" – and since Allah needs them to die for him, Sinwar and his murderers will be rewarded with paradise including a brothel of wine, virgins, and eternal youths.
The "Jahiliyyah" (the savagery, murderousness, deceitfulnes,s and ignorant vandalism that preceded Islam) remained a fundamental element in the essence of Islamist heritage and interpretation in its relation to the faith, property, women, and private and national honor of non-Muslims.
Therefore, it is difficult even for Islamists to explain how the same Allah who bequeathed to the children of Israel the holy and blessed land (which is the Temple and its surroundings), the same Allah who determined that the children of Israel are "the chosen people above all nations" – is the same Allah who plans to eliminate them? Did Allah change his mind and choose specifically the Palestinian terrorists, murderers, and rapists of Sinwar and Hamas and their ilk to eliminate the Jews! – How? – After all, in Islam "Allah does not break his promises"!

The ability of Islamic scholars to change Quranic verses into meanings opposite to their original text, to fit their political needs, is truly acrobatic. Doctrinal thought books of the Muslim Brotherhood, speeches, conversations, proclamations and writings published by Hamas outline main lines for their doctrine and motives of Islamic oppressors like Sinwar: "The Jews are the robbers of Palestine and enemies of 'Allah'" – determines Sinwar's school of thought in an attempt to explain how the chosen people and inheritors of the land in the Quran are supposed to become the slaughter and rape victims of the Palestinian mob – despite God's promise.
Many questions remain unanswered: Why would specifically the Palestinian murderers become the inheritors of the holy and blessed land, when Jerusalem, Palestine, and Palestinians are not mentioned at all in the Quran while the Jews – whom Allah chose above all nations and bequeathed the holy land to them – are mentioned dozens of times?
The Muslim Brotherhood, who are the "petri dish" of Sinwar and his men, claim that today's Jews are not the original children of Israel, but rather "Khazar" raiders, colonialists, and other opportunists, who converted to Judaism over the years and were sent in service of international colonialism to forcibly conquer "Palestine" – and must be eliminated as robbers of the land. What then is the legitimacy of the Islamic conquest that appropriated the land of Israel through robbery and murder as a waqf asset?
Radical Islamic interpreters know very well that Judaism – which is not missionary like Islam – makes it difficult for those who wish to convert, and that the very adherence of Jews to their religion, despite their tragic persecution throughout the generations, is proof of the chain of generations. They know that there was no rational interest that should have brought anyone to take it upon themselves to persecute and exploit Judaism no one wanted to join for 2,000 years.
This argument, however, contains a revealing historical contradiction – the same critics overlook how many Muslims throughout history became "instant converts" under the threat of the sword. These individuals were immediately recognized as "legitimate" Muslims simply by reciting the shahada (the Islamic declaration of faith): "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger." This historical pattern of forced rapid conversion stands in stark contrast to Judaism's traditionally rigorous and lengthy conversion process.
In their despair, the Islamists cling to racial theory: they claim Israelis are not "genetic" descendants of the real children of Israel. Those perished long ago, and those calling themselves Jews today are not entitled to inherit the land of Israel. The false argument creates a problem: if the "real" Jews perished – how will Muhammad's end-time prophecy (al-Isra above) be fulfilled according to which God will gather the Jews from all corners of the world to settle in the land at the "time of the end"?
The failure of the murderous Islamic delusion led precisely to the demise of Sinwar and his murderers. The image of divided and cowardly Jews shattered. They united, crossed the walls, entered the heart of Gaza, and eliminated the terrorists in their homes, neighborhoods, and tunnels. When Hamas remnants emerged from their tunnels they discovered that in the streets where Gazans had rejoiced and distributed "halawiyat" as they slaughtered Jews of the border communities, human rags now wandered searching for dismembered body parts of their beloved terrorist relatives among the ruins. Now, the Jews changed the murderers' slogan: "Khaybar Khaybar ya Sinwar – akhadh al-yahud bil-thar," meaning – the Jews have now avenged you also for Khaybar's crimes.

The end is that Hamas did not "liberate" even a grain of Israel's soil, and Gaza's homes were ground to grains of dust and mud. The IDF defeated Hamas and brought about the "end" of Hamas leaders, who were defeated despite the shows and ostentatious signs in ruined squares. The only assets remaining in the hands of the murderers' remnant are the hostages and the exchange ratio (one hostage for hundreds of terrorists), which reflects the enormous value of Jewish life versus the cheapness of the murderers. In light of the Islamist hotbeds of incitement around us, the terrorists must learn from the chain of Palestinian disasters and defeats over the years from the "Nakba" to the "Naksa" to the "Karitha" to the "Ba'sa" – that defeat and death are the end of those who deny God's will who – even in the Quran – bequeathed the land to the children of Israel.
Gaza must not be rehabilitated until Hamas is completely dismantled, and humanitarian aid must be reduced to a minimum until the last hostage is returned. In light of the destruction and death that the "children of Israel" left in Gaza, verse 7 in Surat al-Isra may now be interpreted precisely as the lesson of the "end" for the remaining Islamic terrorists, wallowing in Gaza's mud: "Perhaps your Lord will have mercy upon you, but if you return to evil, we will return (to strike you) and make hell a prison for the unbelievers."