A recently released hostage has provided the first confirmation in months that Omri Miran, held captive in Gaza, was alive and in relatively stable condition as of July. "We received confirmation of Omri's condition through one of the returned hostages," his brother Boaz revealed today (Tuesday), speaking about Omri who has now been in captivity for 494 days. "They shared that his condition was generally stable during their time together, when they were being held in both tunnels and residential buildings."
However, Boaz emphasized the dated nature of this information, noting that their last contact was in July when Hamas separated the hostages. "Everything we know is only valid until that point of separation. The situation could have changed dramatically since then, so while we're grateful for any information, it doesn't provide much comfort.

"We believe Hamas may have separated them because they fell into different categories of hostages, especially as there were negotiations underway at that time," Boaz explained.
The family is now adamant about the need for immediate, comprehensive action. "We're demanding the simultaneous release of all hostages," Boaz Miran insisted. "The current situation is untenable. Their physical condition is deteriorating, and they won't survive another drawn-out, phased release process. If we're moving toward an agreement – even one that might be seen as a surrender – then it needs to secure everyone's immediate return."
Omri Miran was abducted from his residence in Kibbutz Nahal Oz during the Oct. 7 attack. The terrorists invaded the home he shared with his wife Lishay and their two daughters, forcibly moved the family to an adjacent house, and then made the decision to take Omri while leaving Lishay and the daughters behind.