A father yet to meet his newborn: Sagui Chen to be released from Gaza
"The constant worry for Sagui creates a physical ache," Avital shared in an interview. "Facing our daughters' questions about their father's welfare – these are questions no mother ever imagined having to answer."
In the quiet moments at their home, three young girls await their father's return. For Sagui Dekel-Chen's family, the pain of his absence reverberates through every daily routine – especially for his newborn daughter, who knows him only through stories and photographs.
Chen, 36, was taken from Kibbutz Nir Oz during the October 7 attack, while his pregnant wife, Avital, sheltered in their safe room with their two daughters. In the months since his capture, Hamas has released no proof of life or video footage, leaving his family clinging to hope and memories.
Sagui Dekel-Chen and his wife, Avital, and daughters (Photo: Courtesy)
"The constant worry for Sagui creates a physical ache," Avital shared in an interview. "Facing our daughters' questions about their father's welfare – these are questions no mother ever imagined having to answer."
The family's story takes on an especially poignant dimension with their youngest member, Shachar Mazal, born after her father's capture. Avital was eight months pregnant when her husband was taken. Today, their newborn daughter has yet to feel her father's embrace, hear his voice, or capture that precious first photo with him.
The couple's love story spans decades, beginning when they were just 14-year-olds. What started as a teenage romance grew into a family, with daughters who now face their father's absence daily. "Sagui's presence is missed in almost every moment," Avital explained. "He's an incredibly involved father, always there to pick up the girls from kindergarten, play with them, and share in life's precious moments. Now, the girls must settle for hugging his photo on a poster instead of feeling his real embrace."
Those who know Chen describe a remarkable individual with an innate desire to help others. His older brother, Itai Dekel-Chen, captured his essence in an Israel Hayom column: "My beloved younger brother, Sagui, is a mechanic at heart. He sees the world as a series of problems awaiting solutions, imperfections ready to be fixed. His resourcefulness knows no bounds, and his hands can tackle any challenge. He's the first person anyone would call for advice, always knowing the right answer."
His entrepreneurial spirit emerged in 2018 when he and Avital converted an old bus into a mobile grocery store, bringing essential supplies to underserved communities with limited access to shops (Photo: Yehuda Peretz) ?????: ????? ???
This spirit of community service manifested in several initiatives. Together with his brother, father, Jonathan, and Tamar Kedem Siman Tov (who perished with her family on October 7, 2024), Chen helped establish "Bikurim – Youth Village for Excellence in Music" in the Gaza border region. His entrepreneurial spirit emerged in 2018 when he and Avital converted an old bus into a mobile grocery store, bringing essential supplies to underserved communities with limited access to shops.