President Donald Trump disclosed plans Friday to broker a deal with Iran that could prevent Israeli military action, telling The New York Post in an exclusive Air Force One interview that he prefers diplomacy over force.
"I would like a deal done with Iran on non-nuclear. I would prefer that to bombing the hell out of it," Trump said during an exclusive interview aboard Air Force One, emphasizing Tehran's desire for survival. "They don't want to die. Nobody wants to die."
The president indicated that his diplomatic initiative could potentially prevent Israeli military action against Iran. "If we made the deal, Israel wouldn't bomb them," Trump told The New York Post, though he remained deliberately vague about specific details of potential negotiations.

Maintaining strategic ambiguity about his approach, Trump explained his reluctance to publicly detail his message to Tehran. "In a way, I don't like telling you what I'm going to tell them. You know, it's not nice," he said, suggesting that his proposal could influence Iran's current strategic calculations.
The president expressed optimism about potential outcomes if Iran responds positively to his diplomatic overtures. "I hope they decide that they're not going to do what they're currently thinking of doing. And I think they'll really be happy," Trump said, emphasizing his commitment to finding a diplomatic solution.
While outlining his preference for negotiation, Trump remained firm about his position. "I'd tell them I'd make a deal," he said, though he declined to specify potential terms, noting only that he wouldn't pursue military action, saying "I won't bomb them."
Regarding the specific incentives he might offer Iran, the president maintained his strategic silence, stating only that "I can't say that because it's too nasty," while reiterating his preference for diplomatic engagement over military confrontation.