Four years have passed since we lost our Sheldon, and every minute without him feels like an eternity – as if I'm holding my breath underwater. Each day without him at the helm of our family, business, and philanthropy feels like an eternity.
Over these four years, we've watched our children and grandchildren grow and flourish, serving in IDF uniforms and taking risks with their lives. We've seen our beloved Israel torn by power struggles from within and a terrible war from without – yet at the moment of truth, uniting, fighting for what's best, and winning together. We've witnessed the US mired in moral confusion just when the people of Israel needed a display of strong American leadership – and yet now restoring its former glory, with President Donald Trump's reelection.

Sheldon was so unique, so dynamic, instinctive and wise, overflowing with affection yet tough – all at once and simultaneously. I see ripples of his memory everywhere: in Adam's broad and determined shoulders as he lifts another racing trophy; in Matan's wise and humane business approach; in Yasmin and Sivan's independent spirit as they raise their children; in the smiles of our tens of thousands of employees, and in all those who benefited from our charitable initiatives.
Sheldon's eternal impression
It isn't coincidental that the Olympics occur every four years as nations compete. It takes four years to complete a bachelor's degree. Terms in office – including that of the US president, leader of the free world – last four years.

I had the honor of sitting just yards away from President Trump when he was sworn in again last week. At the previous inauguration in 2017, I attended with Sheldon. This time I was alone. But even there, my husband left an eternal impression: with the loyalty and love he showered on Trump when many turned their backs – something the president always appreciated.
Now the American people and the entire world have gained four more years of the best president of all time. Let's ensure they have value. We must not waste time on foolish quarrels among ourselves, within our people or our political camp – when we face so many real enemies who have demonstrated the true danger they pose.