Operation Guardian of the Walls (May 2021) was perceived in Israel as a victory over Hamas. Security officials, followed by the government, spoke of a deterred Hamas whose capabilities were neutralized. After the operation, then-IDF Chief of Staff told the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) that the operation "critically wounded Hamas... deterrence in Gaza today is far more significant." However, Hamas saw the campaign ("Sword of al-Quds") as a victory and another step toward creating an Islamic front that could defeat us: Lebanon, Syria, West Bank Arabs, Israeli Arabs, and of course Iran.
In recent days, I've been reading Jonathan Dahoah-Halevi's chilling research from the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs about the background of Oct. 7, 2023. I'll return to the research later. For now, I'll focus on one event that alone should serve as a warning sign for generations, to understand the barbarians we're fighting against – remember and never forget!
At a ceremony in northern Gaza on May 30, 2021, commemorating those killed in "Sword of al-Quds," the host introduced the fighting forces and said: "With Allah's permission, there will be military operations beyond border lines, and we will raid them by land, air, and sea, above and below ground." Fathi Hamad, a member of Hamas' political bureau, was invited to the stage. Hamad, who served once as "interior minister," became notorious when he claimed on Egyptian television in April 2012 that there are no distinct Palestinian people, but rather that half of Gaza's residents are Egyptian and half Saudi.

Here are excerpts from his words (which I watched), broadcast on Al-Jazeera to the Arab world, followed by my observations: "We want you to go to the mosques because nothing will defeat the Jews except the mosque... and then adherence to jihad and training so we can overcome the Jews, cross the borders and liberate al-Zouq (an Arab village from 1948 near Lebanon). O youth... the Jews are a treacherous people. There will be no reconciliation with the Jews... no reconciliation with the Zionists. We have nothing for the Zionists but the sword (moving his hand across his throat as a sign of slaughter)... I ask Allah to bless the crowd and bring forth men... who will humiliate the Jews with Allah's permission... This war (i.e. "Guardian of the Walls") was a preliminary test for liberating Palestine. Forward to liberation... next year where will we meet? In Majdal (Ashkelon), in al-Quds (Jerusalem), in Jaffa, in Yavne, in Ashdod. Are you ready?"
First, this is a religious war. Rational considerations of destruction or death have never deterred them (therefore it's important that we capture territory in every confrontation, as only this will burn the defeat into their consciousness and deter them). Second, their goal is conquering our entire country up to the Lebanese border (meaning the '67 borders are meaningless; it's an Israeli invention as if the conflict is over part of the land). Third, the war isn't against Israel but against Jews (in theological discourse, Islam sees itself as the chosen replacement for the Jewish people before God) who are all Zionists (from their perspective, there's no difference between our political or religious streams), and therefore it's a religious duty ("in Allah's way"!) to slaughter us all.
Fourth, this isn't about occupation or even "mere" murder but about humiliating Jews ("with Allah's permission"!), meaning raping our daughters, beheading our sons, burning parents and children alive, parading hostages through Gaza's streets for public abuse (this means the hostages are their only remaining card for humiliating us, beyond being their insurance policy, so it's doubtful they'll give it up even in an agreement). Fifth, the military campaigns preceding Oct. 7 were, in their view, a trial run, and didn't harm Hamas' capabilities. Contrary to how they were marketed here, they were seen as good preparation for the big campaign and increased the enemy's belief that they could defeat us.
Finally, while we swore "Next year in Jerusalem" for 2000 years, our enemies swear "Next year in Ashkelon, Jerusalem, Jaffa, and Ashdod." This isn't a doctrine unique to Gaza Strip Arabs but is shared by the Palestinian Authority, which educates its students with exactly these ideas. Agreements won't change this. It's Hanukkah today, 2,191 years since the outbreak of our struggle for independence in our land. The struggle continues, only the enemy has changed. "In those days, at this time."