After the fall of Bashar Assad, the creation of a Palestinian state has become a dangerous solution and an existential threat to Israel. And yet, Emmanuel Macron is campaigning fiercely to offer Mahmoud Abbas an independent state.
On the sidelines of the Notre Dame reopening ceremonies, President Macron warmly welcomed Donald Trump to the Elysée Palace just a few weeks before his installation at the White House. He informed him of his latest trip to Saudi Arabia and France's intentions to play a significant role in resolving international crises, particularly in Ukraine.
Macron is very pleased with his recent visit to Riyadh. He signed a strategic partnership with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) that will allow the two countries to increase cooperation in all areas, particularly in defense, and organize major international events. The French president loves grandiose ceremonies and dreams of one day being able to bring together all the world's great leaders at the Palace of Versailles to witness the signing of a new Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty. To realize this dream, Macron is campaigning fiercely for the creation of a Palestinian state. Listening to him, one gets the impression that France is still ruling in our region.

After successfully imposing his mediation to achieve a truce in Lebanon, he wants to convene an international conference in Paris co-chaired with MBS in order to "seek a political solution based on the two-state solution." He has already obtained the support of the United Nations General Assembly. 157 states voted for a solution despite the firm opposition of the US.
Has Macron erased the terrible event of Oct. 7, 2023? Does he really think that the Jewish state will give in to threats of a new pogrom? To the creation of a new terrorist state in the pay of the Islamists? Israelis reject diktat, unnecessary risks, suicide.
The French president's megalomania seems to blind him to the reality on the ground and the explosive situation in the Middle East. It is the cause of a mercantile and pro-Arab policy that has not changed since 1967. This line of conduct in favor of the Arab-Muslim world has failed and yet Macron persists and signs.
Barack Obama is particularly responsible for the current situation. By supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, allowing Hamas to settle in Gaza, and refusing to oust the Butcher of Damascus from power, Obama has changed the geopolitical situation and has since plunged the Middle East into chaos. By insisting on imposing democracy, the former American president provoked the Arab Spring but in reality, he overthrew Western allies, and allowed Russia to return to our region and Iran to strengthen its satellites and its hegemony. Since the advent of al-Qaida, Islamists have continued the fight to one day create an Islamist state, a caliphate from Andalusia to Afghanistan.
The West, led by Macron, is wrong to focus its concern only on the territorial conflict with the Palestinians. The real problem remains the presence of Shiite and Sunni Islamists in our region, God-crazed people who want to take over from the Arab-Muslim regimes and then destroy the Jewish state. They will not stop there, their next step will take place in Europe.
In this explosive context, how does Emmanuel Macron dare to imagine the creation of a Palestinian state? By withdrawing the IDF from Gaza, the West Bank, and east Jerusalem? Who will lead this new state? Hamas, which already has a presence in Jenin and Hebron? Mahmoud Abbas, 89 years old? Why not first condemn a Palestinian leader who continues to support incitement to hatred and terrorist acts by paying salaries to the perpetrators and their families? How can we not reveal the human rights violations, torture in Palestinian prisons, corruption, and lack of transparency within Abbas' governance? Macron talks about reform within the Palestinian Authority, has he been able to implement his reforms in France, in his own country?

The Oslo Accords are not a bitter failure? Has Macron not yet understood the meaning of the pro-Palestinian slogans in street demonstrations, on campuses, in Paris, and in the provinces chanting: "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free"? After the massacre of Oct. 7, no Israeli government will accept the two-state formula.
By denouncing Israeli policy in advance, does Macron really think he can play the role of arbiter? Terrorists couldn't care less about the Cartesian spirit or the diplomacy of symbols. They despise the weak and fear the language of force. In the jungle of the Middle East, only the strongest wins on all levels. In reality, President Macron does not have the means to implement his policy. He proves France's disconnection from the realities of the Middle East and ignorance of developments in the Levant.
Emmanuel Macron's pretentious activism is to secure a good place in the international arena, dictate an agenda, satisfy ambitions, and obtain at all costs a quick success, even ephemeral. Doesn't he have other fish to fry? And first and foremost, to solve all the major problems in France? Is he so indifferent to the fall of his own government that he devotes himself to international affairs?
To resolve the conflict with the Arabs, Israel prefers to have a solid ally who has proven himself in times of crisis. We sincerely hope that Donald Trump will not take Emmanuel Macron's counterproductive intentions in the Middle East seriously.
Following the truce in Lebanon, the fall of the Assad regime, and Russian indifference, Iran is losing strategic assets. With the new American administration, we can together reshape the geopolitical situation.
Our only wish is to live in peace and absolute security within safe and defensible borders. This is our raison d'être, our reason for being.