Schloss Elmau, one of Germany's most prestigious luxury resorts, owned by Dietmar Mueller, has established itself as a welcoming haven for Israeli visitors. Following the outbreak of war, Mueller took the decisive step of displaying the Israeli flag at the hotel's entrance while also featuring it prominently on the establishment's website.
In an exclusive interview with Israel Hayom several months ago, Mueller acknowledged receiving some negative feedback from certain quarters but remained steadfast in his decision to maintain the prominent Israeli flag display at the main entrance. "The flag stays until all hostages return home," Mueller affirmed to Israel Hayom.

The hotel, situated a 90-minute drive from Munich, has witnessed an unprecedented surge in Israeli bookings since the conflict began. This remarkable increase is particularly noteworthy given that pre-war travel patterns saw significantly more Israelis venturing abroad, while current travel options remain limited. Nevertheless, the resort continues to experience a substantial rise in demand from Israeli travelers.
Hotel statistics reveal 438 overnight stays by Israeli guests in the initial months of this year, marking a significant increase from 185 stays recorded during the same period last year. The establishment's commitment to excellence was further recognized this week when it claimed top honors at the "101 Best Hotels in Germany" awards ceremony.