In a strongly worded statement issued Sunday, the French Embassy in Israel condemned the drone attack on Binyamina, which Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for. The embassy posted a message on their X account in both Hebrew and French, stating: "We are appalled by the attack that resulted in very heavy casualties. Our thoughts are with the numerous wounded and their families."
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โ La France en Israรซl (@franceenisrael) October 13, 2024
The embassy further emphasized, "Whether in Haifa or Safed, Ashkelon or Netanya, Israel's territory has been subjected to daily terror attacks involving rockets, missiles, and drones for a year now. This intolerable violence, which primarily victimizes civilians, must cease."
The French Embassy's condemnation is the first diplomatic response to the attack, which Hezbollah promptly claimed responsibility for.
Eli Bin, Director General of Magen David Adom (MDA), reported that 67 people were injured in the drone attack. Earlier today, it was announced that four IDF soldiers had been killed in the attack.

A senior Hezbollah source, commenting on the drone strike, told the Qatari television station Al Jazeera "The attack was executed using a swarm of drones. Hezbollah's capabilities remain robust and capable of striking deep within Israel." According to a report on Sky News Arabia, "The drone was launched under the cover of a rocket barrage targeting the Galilee region," making it harder to intercept.ย
This incident marks the highest casualty count in a single event since Oct. 7. Among the dozens injured at least five are seriously wounded. Hezbollah launched at least two drones from Lebanon, one of which was intercepted while the other managed to penetrate deep into Israeli airspace. An Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson reported that no warning siren was activated in the area, and the IDF has announced that the incident is under thorough investigation.