David Lynch, the acclaimed filmmaker behind works like "Eraserhead" and "Twin Peaks," has been diagnosed with pulmonary emphysema related to his long-term smoking habit.
In an interview with Sight and Sound magazine, Lynch acknowledges being homebound, unable to walk long distances without running out of oxygen and facing increased vulnerability to respiratory illnesses like COVID-19. He said he will not be able to direct on set, but if the chance arises will try and do it remotely.
Lynch said he doesn't regret his past life as a smoker, describing it as a beloved part of his artistic routine.
Lynch believes it will be a while before filmmaking with a big crew can resume due to safety concerns related to the coronavirus pandemic. He envisions a more spiritual and caring world post-pandemic, with exciting innovations and advancements.
Lynch has recently pitched an animated project called "Snootworld" to Netflix, but it was rejected. He remains hopeful that his screenplay "Antelope Don't Run No More" will eventually be made into a film.
Sources: The Guardian, Independent, Newsmax, Sopitas, TheWrap, Showbiz411, Far Out Magazine, Film-News, 20 Minutos, Rolling Stone, Exclaim!, Screen Rant, ScreenCrush, UNILAD, AV Club, PopCulture, Observatório do Cinema, When The Horn Blows.
This article was written in collaboration with Generative AI news company Alchemiq.