Evidence found in ancient rocks from Franceville, Gabon suggests that complex life forms, possibly similar to slime molds, slimy fungi, or jellyfish, may have existed on Earth as early as 2.1 billion years ago. This is much earlier than the previously accepted timeline of 635 million years ago.
a research team led by Professor Ernest Chi Fru from Cardiff University found fossils and chemical signatures indicating organisms capable of voluntary movement, in an environment rich in oxygen and phosphorus.
This environment was potentially generated by underwater volcanic activity, continental collisions, and cyanobacterial photosynthesis, which could have supported complex behavior.
Critics remain skeptical and argue that more evidence is needed to support these claims about the origins of complex life on Earth.
Sources: BBC, Sky News, Times of India, Indian Express, Correio Braziliense, Noticias Villaguay, Liberty Times (LTN), Obiectiv Tulcea, South Wales Argus, Notiulti, aily Galaxy, Bluewin.
This article was written in collaboration with Generative AI news company Alchemiq.