One of the recurring questions that pops into our minds from time to time, and we're sure it does for you too, is "What would we do without Google?" The world's largest and most important search engine, with an average of 100 billion monthly searches, serves us for everything – from solving everyday problems to finding definitions for complex words.
But have you ever stopped to think about the phrases you should avoid searching on Google? A viral Reddit thread revealed a list of terms leading to disturbing results, most of which are related to strange medical conditions.
A word of caution – while curiosity is an important human trait, it's essential to be aware of the risks associated with certain internet searches. The terms you'll read below lead to disturbing images that may cause discomfort and trigger unpleasant reactions.
Larvae are quite harmless creatures and a stage in the development of many insects, but this term also refers to a disturbing medical condition called myiasis, a rare but dangerous infection that occurs mainly in animals but can, in rare cases, happen in humans.
This infection occurs when flies lay eggs in open wounds. The hatching larvae feed on living tissues, which can cause significant damage. Symptoms include a feeling of itching or movement in the mouth, pain, fever, and in severe cases, breathing difficulties.

Degloving is a severe traumatic injury where the skin and soft tissues are torn from the underlying muscles and bones. These injuries are more common in industrial accidents or road accidents and are classified according to their severity and location on the body.
No, this isn't a foreign word for crocodile. Krokodil, scientifically known as "desomorphine," is a synthetic opioid drug that has earned the chilling nickname "zombie drug." This drug is produced in home conditions from a variety of dangerous chemicals such as gasoline and hydrochloric acid.
Its use causes tissue necrosis around the injection site, leading to a crocodile-like skin appearance – hence its name. Addiction to Krokodil can be strong, and the damage to the body is rapid and irreversible. The average life expectancy of regular users is only about two years from the start of use.
Fournier's gangrene is caused by a rare but life-threatening bacterial infection affecting the genital area. The disease develops rapidly and can cause extensive tissue destruction within hours. Risk factors that may lead to infection include diabetes, alcoholism, and a weakened immune system.
Treatment requires immediate surgical intervention to remove infected tissues, aggressive antibiotic treatment, and sometimes even hyperbaric chamber therapy. Despite prompt treatment, the mortality rate remains high, ranging between 20 to 30 percent.
Harlequin ichthyosis
Harlequin ichthyosis is a rare and severe genetic skin disease that appears at birth and affects the baby's skin development. Babies born with this condition are covered in thick, rigid layers of skin, with deep cracks between them.
The thick skin limits movement and makes breathing, eating, and hearing difficult. In the past, most babies with this condition did not survive beyond the first few days. Today, with intensive treatment including maintaining skin moisture, preventing infections, and retinoid medications, some patients reach adulthood. However, they need intensive daily care for life.