In celebration of Jerusalem Day, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund has unveiled rare archival photos, offering a glimpse into the historic battles that liberated the city during the War of Independence.
Amidst the backdrop of the ongoing Iron Swords War, KKL-JNF's release of the previously unseen images adds a poignant dimension to the festivities, reminding us of Jerusalem's enduring significance and the sacrifices made to secure its freedom.
The UN partition plan originally earmarked Jerusalem, alongside Bethlehem, as a separate entity under international administration. However, the eruption of the War of Independence saw both Jewish and Arab forces vying for control over the holy city, disregarding international mandates.
In the ensuing conflict, the streets of Jerusalem became a battleground, witnessing fierce engagements between the IDF and a coalition of opposing forces, including Jordanian and Egyptian troops, Arab volunteers, and British allies.
KKL-JNF's collection showcases pivotal moments from this tumultuous period, capturing the raw emotion and heroism of soldiers as they liberated key neighborhoods, such as Katamon, and secured strategic positions like the British police building.
While the IDF liberated Arab neighborhoods in the west and center of the city, the historic Jewish Quarter in East Jerusalem fell to the Jordanian Legion. Jerusalem remained divided between Israel and Jordan from the armistice agreement in April 1949 until the Six-Day War.
Efrat Sinai, director of archives at KKL-JNF, reflected on the significance of the images, "As we commemorate Jerusalem's 57th reunification anniversary, these photos serve as powerful testaments to the resilience of our people and the indomitable spirit that has defined our city throughout history."