Benny Gantz's unauthorized trip to Washington had several objectives, none of which had anything to do with advancing the national security of Israel. Quite the contrary. This American-organized PR production was most likely designed to accomplish two objectives: firstly, to boost Gantz's electability as America's preferred successor to Bibi Netanyahu and, secondly, to insulate Gantz from any possible criticism for having helped prepare the stage for the massacres that occurred on October 7.
That the Americans would prefer to see a pliant Gantz elected to the Premiership is an open secret. Certainly, Washington appreciates the fact that those advising Gantz are fully prepared to do America's bidding, regardless as to the consequences to Israel's independence. However, the problem that they and their American masters face is the chance that a truly honest post-war commission of inquiry could very well conclude that General Gantz, along with his friends, Generals Eisenkot, Gallant, Halevi, and Kochavi, to name but a few, should be held accountable for the "misconception" that resulted in Hamas' brutal invasion this past October. One way to insulate Gantz from any possible responsibility for this debacle would be to portray him as Washington's preferred choice to be the next Israeli Prime Minister. Staged pictures of him posing with the high and mighty of the Biden Administration were designed to do just that. Of course, the fact that Bibi has yet to receive an invitation to visit the White House, and is allegedly the object of disdain by President Biden, while Gantz is greeted warmly as someone the Americans are prepared to work with, just drives the point home that Gantz is Washington's man.
But let's be clear about one thing. The Americans can read polls just as accurately as Israeli citizens can. This means they understand that Bibi's intention to destroy Hamas is shared by the overwhelming majority of Israelis. With this political reality in mind, it was no surprise that the American-crafted script Gantz recited expressed both his desire to crush Hamas and recover our hostages. But behind the scenes, Gantz undoubtedly gave all the assurances Washington needed that he would be open to discussing the creation of some type of Palestinian state the day after the guns fell silent. The fact that Gantz has never categorically rejected this horrifying possibility provides all the confirmation we need to reach this conclusion.
At the end of the current hostilities, individuals like General Benny Gantz should not be allowed to evade being held accountable for the IDF's unpreparedness for war. This dereliction of duty is an unforgivable crime that both he and his fellow generals should be tried for. Having said this, I can understand why those who pathologically hate Bibi Netanyahu would want to see Gantz replace him. After all, unlike Bibi, Gantz seems to be a pretty decent guy. But the fact that Benny Gantz is perceived to be a "nice" person is irrelevant. It's a fact that the man's promotions always seemed to be the result of his being the default choice. Merit never appeared to play a part in his selection for various positions. That Gantz should not be allowed to win the premiership based on the same selection process seems logical. Simply put, the threats we are going to be facing in the near future will require a national leader who exhibits the type of outstanding intellectual capabilities and professional excellence that I believe Benny Gantz simply lacks. Clearly, such a person can not be counted on to protect us from yet another October 7. And given the fact that Hamas may very well survive the current conflict, such a reoccurrence is a certainty.
In conclusion, Benny Gantz may very well be a fine gentleman, but I'm just not convinced he has what it takes to stand up to the Americans and defend us from their insane determination to create a Palestinian terror state dedicated to our destruction. Moreover, from what I understand from those who know him, he also lacks the uncompromising nationalist spirit needed to defy the United States by ruthlessly crushing our enemies regardless as to the diplomatic fallout that may create with Washington. Indeed, the current war against Hamas has only underscored our absolute need to select a leader who will finally put an end to our dangerous dependence on the Americans for our military equipment while also imposing a resolution of the Palestinian problem based on terms that are good for us- not necessarily those that are desired by the international community. With these requirements in mind, I just can't see Benny Gantz as someone who can successfully fulfill the role as Bibi's successor.