KKL-JNF has created a special installation for Israelis kidnapped by the Hamas terror organization on Oct. 7 at the Protzei HaDerech ("The Trail Blazers") recreation area on Road 1 on the way to Jerusalem, the organization announced.
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Along the way leading to a monument are pillars with the photographs of the kidnapped. A yellow flower, which became a symbol for the hope of seeing the kidnapped return, is on each pillar. At the entrance to the installation are yellow ribbons and visitors are invited to tie a yellow ribbon around one of the trees on site.
KKL-JNF Chair Ifat Ovadia-Luski, said, "During Israel's War of Independence, the Jewish people fought for their freedom on the way to Jerusalem, which was then under siege. Now, 75 years later, we fight for the freedom of our sons and daughters, kidnapped by a vicious enemy to the Gaza Strip. Our thoughts and intentions have strength of their own, and right now they are devoted to our precious sons and daughters that were taken from their families. The public is invited to visit the site, tie a yellow ribbon and express the wish to bring them all home."