Not surprisingly, the possibility of the IDF going back into Jenin to "mow the grass", so to speak, has just been raised. When I read this, I thought, how stupid can we be? Just make sure to clear the area from terrorists. How hard is that to comprehend?
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Doing that will require the Fallujah model, to distinguish between terrorists and unarmed civilians.
Unless we do that, once we return to Jenin and commit our soldiers to a week or more of intense urban combat, they'll be facing an enemy that's been forewarned and given the time needed to prepare for them. To put it bluntly, this is not exactly a smart way of waging war.
Indeed, this situation has now been made more dire by the fact that the Iranian-supported terrorists may now have explosively formed projectiles (EFPs) in their arsenal. And lest we forget, these deadly weapons were responsible for countless American casualties in Iraq. So, do we have any idea of how many of these EFPs may be deployed in Jenin? 10? 20? 100? Who knows. However, what we do know with certainty is that sending our troops back into Jenin would be needlessly endangering the lives of our soldiers since once our forces withdraw from the city the terrorists will simply rebuild their arms caches.
In light of this problem, I've come to the following conclusion: repeatedly clearing out Jenin over and over again simply isn't worth the life of one of our soldiers if there are alternative ways of decisively eliminating the terrorist threat emanating from this Islamist hell hole.
And there are! We just have to value the lives of our soldiers more than some woke concern for a miserable city that hates us. We can ensure it is no longer the hotbed of terrorists that it is in a way that would unambiguously tell the Palestinian terrorists that we're finished playing their deadly games. Even if they try to hide within sympathetic cities we are going to do whatever it takes to eliminate both them and their urban refuge. The message sent to them would be stark: we will not let terrorists live with noncombatants in the same place. On the other hand, if you want a martyr's death, we're here to help you. The choice is yours.
The alternative to this approach is as predictable as it is unforgivable. Are we really prepared to keep up this bankrupt process of whack-a-mole until the terrorists finally learn how to make rockets that actually work? Then what? More Iron Dome batteries? More work permits for Palestinian day laborers? More sanctimonious advice from the Americans to just withdraw from all of Area C and allow the Palestinians the privilege of having yet another terror state? We obviously can't keep this insanity up any longer.
We should just tell Washington to clean up south Chicago before they give us any more "advice" about what we can or can't do with our biblical heartland. And in the meantime, we should immediately implement a policy that will finally accomplish what has long been needed: namely, to hunt down and kill the terrorists without mercy, even if that means temporary evacuations of small neighborhoods. That's all. No more "managing" the problem. Just eliminate the terrorists once and for all and bury the idea of a Palestinian state along with them."