Recent assessments by several well-known commentators regarding the so-called "Lebanonization" of the territories are nothing less than indictments of our high command, intelligence services, and our political establishment – both Left and Right.
This Iranian-led radicalization of the territories has been allowed to proceed because nobody in a position of authority has had the courage to state openly that the Oslo Accords are dead. Most rational people at this point would understand that it's time to act as an independent state by doing whatever is necessary to safeguard our vital national security interests. And if this means angering the Americans and the Europeans, so be it.
To this end, we first have to recognize the pressing need for military reform. So far we have not done anything decisively with regard to the serious threats directed towards us from the territories, Hezbollah, Iran, Hamas, or even our mixed cities.
When all is said and done, then, this is why we desperately need both immediate "regime change" in the Kirya and a new government led by people who have only our interests at heart, not Washington's.
At a minimum, a replacement of the army's leadership is required if we are to stand any chance of decisively defeating our enemies. And the same can be said for our elected political class. We are told that we should fear only G-d- not Washington. Once we act on this belief, our enemies will be permanently eliminated and our so-called "friends" will finally show their true colors. This outcome is absolutely critical if we are finally going to chart a course as an independent, G-d fearing nation.