Fifteen suspects were arrested Wednesday on suspicion of hanging a banner of the Hamas terrorist organization on the Temple Mount ahead of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha.
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One banner read, "The blood of our soldiers is spilled every year," in an apparent reference to terrorists eliminated by the IDF. It pictured Khaled Sabah and Muhannad Shehadehm, two Palestinian terrorists who perpetrated the terror attack at the Eli gas station, in which four Israelis were killed.
Video: Israel Police
"Al-Aqsa is the red line," the banner said.
Some of the suspects arrested also carried Hamas flyers and bullets. They were taken in for questioning by the police.
The Lach Yerushalayim right-wing group criticized the move, saying it "viewed with severity attempts of provocation at the Temple Mount. Such public and widespread provocation on the Temple Mount must be stopped immediately."