KKL-JNF established a special situation room to aid residents of southern Israel while the IDF is conducting Operation Shield and Arrow in the Gaza Strip.
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The situation room is part of a broad support system offered to front-line residents, which includes KKL-JNF instructors deployed to municipal shelters to conduct entertainment activities for families taking shelter, a bus network transporting families to activities in northern Israel at no charge, as well as KKL-JNF Field Centers at Nes Harim, Lavi, Tzipori, and Shuni, that have opened their doors to residents of the Western Negev free of charge and are now filling up with families wanting to enjoy some peace and quiet.
Accommodation at Field Centers is offered based on availability with advance telephone reservation at 1-800-250-250.
"KKL-JNF embraces the residents of the Western Negev in times of peace and also now, in times of emergency," KKL-JNF Chair Yifat Ovadia-Luski said. "KKL-JNF staff and facilities have been made available for Western Negev residents. Now is the time for solidarity. The situation room will continue operating as long as needed; we will continue to offer support and reach any place where the people of southern Israel require support."