We are all affected by the mounting crisis around the judicial reforms. But arguably the question of the Supreme Court's standing has special relevance for this newspaper – for me, as its publisher, and you, as its readers.
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Around a decade ago, there were those in the Knesset who wanted to pass a law against freebie newspapers in the name of media market competition. But to anyone with eyes in their heads, it was clear that the true aim was to curb Israel Hayom, the trailblazing daily of the right-wing, patriotic camp.
How well I remember the bemusement of my late husband Sheldon at such hypocrisy. After all, he had launched this newspaper in the service of all the nation of Israel: to broaden out reporting to areas that were then being insufficiently covered and thus to enrich and bolster democracy.
"Don't worry, Sheldon," I reassured him. "As it says in the Bible, there are judges in Jerusalem. Even if this wretched bill passes in parliament, it will be struck down by the High Court of Justice, as it runs counter to the fundamental right of freedom of speech."
As it happened, the bill withered on the vine between readings. But the principle I articulated applies as much today as it did then.
Just to be clear: I do not agree with each and every ruling handed down by the High Court over the years. But just as I have been disappointed by some rulings, I always knew that I could draw encouragement and find justice in others. And, of course, I honored all of them equally.
We must always be mindful of the fact that the value of this institution is in its measure of detachment from the public mood as its justices seek to hew to the core principles of a civilized society.
It is worth noting, by way of example, how the dynamics then at work over "The Israel Hayom Law" have shifted, and that today some of those who favored the bill would be opposed. In any event, the newspaper has remained stalwartly right-wing and patriotic – not so, perhaps, the politics roiling around it.
When I watch today's discourse, I know what Sheldon would say. As he did when he founded Israel Hayom, he would tap his rich experience in business negotiation, those very processes that made him a magnate and philanthropist of historic stature, and repurpose the following guiding values:
"Deal Heat"
Sheldon would always caution against a person being too keen to pursue and close a deal. What's the rush? What are the real motivations? Is it possible that all is not as it seems when it comes to the resources and timelines on offer?
Regardless of the substance of the reforms, the government's dash to ratify them is naturally suspect, raising questions about the root objectives and concern that this is a hasty, injudicious, and irresponsible move. A good deal is reached through cold-eyed circumspection. Slow down!
"Know As Much as the Experts"
To ensure that the hotels he built attained perfect authenticity and polish without excessive expense, Sheldon did not make do with consulting experts. He gained expertise himself.
For example, when we built The Venetian in Las Vegas, he traveled to Venice in order to study up close how the moist sea air had given the stone buildings their signature wear. Then he invented a chemical method of replicating that look in the materials used in the construction of the hotel.
The question to both sides in today's dispute in Israel is: Do you fully understand Israel's unique situation and the possible ramifications of these changes, all of which differ from other countries to which you are drawing comparisons? Does invective like "traitors" or "dictators" really have a legal or historic – let alone moral – rationale?
"Always Leave Money on the Table"
Sheldon enjoyed succeeding in business. But his was not a "zero-sum" approach where the opposing side is left with nothing. If everyone leaves a deal prosperous and happy, that reduces the risk of it being breached and increases the chances of more fruitful cooperation in the future.
The current government of Israel was legally elected and has a legitimate right to implement its policy. At the same time, the opposition has the right to voice its views on fateful decisions. But because of the ongoing and polarized feud, all that is happening is that Israel's economy and reputation are suffering.
Let us "leave money on the table" for everyone – even if only through mutual shows of respect, and certainly by dialing down the vitriol. It is important to ensure that all sides emerge from this argument with heads held high, able to continue working together and not seeking to undermine and quickly change whatever arrangement is reached.
"Love what you do, and do what you love"
Sheldon was the love of my life – among other reasons because love drove his every action. That included his business empire, where he always sought to bring aesthetic beauty to the world and to lift up his customers by providing them with joy and value for money.
In Sheldon's array of charitable work, what guided him was not prestige or praise, but rather, making good on his love for others: preserving history, protecting Israel's future, and rehabilitating the wounded warriors of Israel and America whom he so admired, being himself a former US Army soldier married to a former IDF officer.
We must all keep in mind that we love this country – a miracle of God's grace. Many have given their lives for that love. Many more yet are ready to sacrifice for it.
Let us not be ruled by sectarianism, refusal to accept the outcome of elections, or a desire to settle personal scores.
Bad motivations never bring about good outcomes.
Like a family in crisis that comes together around Shabbat dinner, we should acknowledge our common love for the country and desire to see it succeed.
The Beatles – a band that was no small business success – put it best when they sang: "All you need is love."
Dr. Miriam Adelson is the publisher of Israel Hayom. The Adelson family owns the company that is the primary shareholder in Israel Hayom.
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