Has a way been found to live forever? An Israeli study found that injecting a special protein known as VEGF-A causes an old person's skin to rejuvenate and this special discovery might curtail aging, and even rejuvenate human organs.
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This is a groundbreaking study, conducted by Rambam Medical Center and the Technion, which proves that the aging process of human skin can be halted and human organs even made younger. This study has been in the works for over 20 years and has now been published in the prestigious scientific journal Advanced Science News.
Professor Amos Gilhar, head scientist, explains: "In the past, we showed that the transplant of old human skin on young mice stimulates the renewal of the implanted skin's epidermis. In the follow-up study, which lasted about two decades, we discovered that the entire skin undergoes a process of renewal, and that this phenomenon is displayed only when the skin is transplanted to a young mouse, and not to an older one."
The study also found that rejuvenation occurs not only in the outward appearance of the skin but also in its genetic structure, in a manner that characterizes young skin. So, the symptoms of aging skin in the transplant disappeared without a trace. Moreover, molecules identified with young skin only, which disappear as part of the aging process, reappeared in the young mice.
By injecting the protein into the skin of a mouse, causing all symptoms of skin aging to disappear and molecular elements of young skin to appear, it was significantly proven that the VEGF-A protein is the most significant element in the rejuvenation of old skin. In addition, old human skin that was treated with the special protein under laboratory conditions, even without any animal involvement, showed improvement in the main aging indices. So, this study identifies VEGF-A as a protein that can enable the rejuvenation of human organs.
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