This time we surveyed, using yzer, real estate data on Yehud-Monosson. At present, there are 10 projects in various stages of construction throughout the town, from preliminary planning to building. As of 2021, the town's population is 32,250.
Highest demand
The most in-demand neighborhoods in the town are Neve Monosson, Kiryat HaSavyonim, Libat Ha'Ir, Neve Oved, Kiryat Bialystok.
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Neve Monosson leads in the number of specific searches on the Yad2 site in the past year, with nearly 30,190 searches for apartments for sale.
The most-searched-for properties are 4-room apartments, with 31.6% of the total demand in the town and about 39,560 searches over the past year.
The breakdown of searches by apartment type, out of all the searches in the town: 2 rooms – 5.6%, 3 rooms – 17.6%, 4 rooms – 31.6%, 5 rooms – 25.8%, 6 rooms – 19.3%.
Apartments for sale
From early 2021, the number of second-hand apartments for sale is rising. In January, 156 apartments were offered for sale; in June – 254. In July there was a slight decrease to 235 apartments.
The neighborhoods offering the largest supply of apartments (in descending order): Kiryat HaSavyonim, Libat Ha'Ir, Neve Monosson, and Neve Oved.
In Kiryat HaSavyonim, 156 apartments were offered for sale over the past year, compared to 52 in Neve Oved.
The breakdown of supply for each property type, out of the total supply of second-hand apartments: 2 rooms – 1.8%, 3 rooms – 13.7%, 4 rooms – 40.4%, 5 rooms – 26.7%, 6 rooms – 9.3%, 7 rooms or more – 8.2%.
How much did you sell for?
What were the actual prices paid, on average, for apartments in Yehud-Monosson?
3 rooms: NIS 20,034 per sq.m. (NIS 1,468,452). Rent: NIS 4,280. 37 deals.
4 rooms: NIS 17,602 per sq.m. (NIS 1,937,753). Rent: NIS 5,528. 71 deals.
5 rooms: NIS 18,210 per sq.m. (NIS 2,156,288). Rent: NIS 7,350. 38 deals.
6 rooms: NIS 19,447 per sq.m. (NIS 3,421,398). Rent: NIS 8,867. 19 deals.
Deals and returns
Over the past year, 170 deals were signed in the city. In January, a 6-room, 211-sq.m. apartment was sold for NIS 4,299,998 (NIS 20,379 per sq.m.).
The leading neighborhood in returns on rent is Neve Monosson, with 3.2%.
Return rates throughout the city: for 3-4 rooms apartments – 3.1%, for 5-room apartments – 3%.
Yehud-Monosson and corona
In March 2020, when the restrictions and lockdown began, about 12,180 searches were performed in the town's listings. Following a steep rise in April-June, the number of searches in July 2020 reached 30,600.
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In September, with the holidays and second lockdown, that number fell to 25,760 searches. The year's peak month was October, with 32,020 searches. Following the beginning of the third lockdown in December, there was a decrease, to 30,650 searches.
In January 2021 the number of searches increased to 32,710. After a slight decrease in February, the number of searches has been rising each month. In July, the record for the past two years was broken, with 34,710 searches.
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