The Nathan Holdings Company, which specializes in property development and investment in the US, completed the sale of 4 multi-family complexes in Florida. The scope of the sales is about $10 million for 64 housing units.
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The complexes are located in the Brevard District, which lies along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, about 40 km north of Miami. The district's population numbers about 2 million and is growing due to immigration flow. The complexes were bought in 2015-2016 for $5.5 million, or about $85,000 per housing unit on average, including leverage amounting to about $3.4 million.
"The deals, which were signed at the peak of the global coronavirus crisis, demonstrate the company's ability to act intelligently even in complicated and dynamic market conditions and prove the success of the conservative model it developed for real estate investments in the U.S.," said Yaron Shamir, co-CEO of Nathan Holdings. "We buy the properties, improve and manage them, maintaining a clear policy of zero dependence on third parties."
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As of 2021, Nathan Holdings owns about 1,000 housing units in 7 multi-family complexes in the Florida area and is considering acquiring more complexes valued at $200 million in the coming period. The company, which formerly focused on private homes and held about 400 single-family homes, has been investing since 2014, as a strategic decision, exclusively in the multi-family model.
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