Jabotinsky's famous essay about the "iron wall" was ahead of its time and shaped the Israeli defense ethos – a view that remains with us even today. Jabotinsky stated, rightly, that only an iron wall would cause our enemies to want to reach compromises with us: A living people, he wrote, agrees to concessions on enormous, fateful questions like these only when they have no hope left. When not even a crack can be seen in the iron wall. Only then to radical groups whose slogan is "absolutely not" lose their charm, and the influence moves to the moderate groups.
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This is the situation with the radical ayatollah regime in Iran, against which we must erect an international iron wall, and certainly an Israeli one. But Israel's situation today is not like it was for the Yishuv in the Land of Israel in the 1920s. The "iron wall" essay, written 98 years ago, expresses a situation of existential anxiety of a small community with big dreams.
Israel's military might, which I am proud to have helped shape during my term as IDF chief of staff when I constructed an option for military action against Iran, and now as defense minister who is leading the battle with the prime minister and the rest of the cabinet, is massive, stable, and solid. The iron wall Jabotinsky dreamed of has been built and exists.
It was built by the defense and security systems that operate constantly, through a strong army that is capable of defending Israel, and by the complex diplomatic battle Israel has been waging for years
The nuclear deal that was signed in Vienna in 2015 over the vocal and crude objection of the Israeli government was a failure of that diplomatic battle. The lesson to be learned from it is an important one – that an iron wall is built by deeds, not with words.
A military option is vital
Actions are first and foremost our ability to defend ourselves and disrupt our enemies' activities. A credible Israeli military option will also be of service to international powers, and is vital to ensure that an iron wall remains in place against Iran, leading to compromise. There will be no good, strong, and broad agreement without a viable military option for Israel.
Actions also mean handing over intelligence and knowledge, and finding sympathetic ears with our partners in general and our best friend, the US, in particular. The most important thing is to inculcate the approach that Iran is first and foremost a global and regional problem, and only after that a problem for Israel.
At this time, Iran continues to build up its nuclear project, which could pose an existential threat to Israel, as well as accelerating the regional arms race. Our steps as a government are clear, and led with the fact that we will act to prevent Iran from nuclearizing.
We share intelligence with our partners. We speak up clearly, and take care that there is someone who will listen by doing so in the right places, with the right people. We are forming quiet alliance with many entities who share our interests. We are operating in ways that are best kept quiet, and we are expanding and developing our operational capabilities constantly.
Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did much for Israel's security, but his exaggerated tactics in dealing with the US hurt our ability to prevent Iran's nuclear progress. At the end of his term in office, Iran was able to step up its capabilities.
This conduct even put bilateral support for Israel at risk in the US.
So we should ask, what are words, if not silence? Words and piles of words are no solution. The iron wall is built through actions, by quiet, Sisyphean labor by leaders, commanders, and fighters.
Israel's security is not a subject for political controversy. It should be the focus of cooperation and responsibility. I expect former Prime Minister Netanyahu to contribute his experience in this field, and not damage Israel's efforts. Indeed, we have much to learn from him.
To you, the citizens of Israel, I promise that we are doing everything possible with our partners, protecting our independence and developing our powers. We believe in our ability to prevent any existential threat.
Whoever believes in themselves has no boundaries.
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