Not only Israel, but the entire Arab world around us, is following our political developments. In the past decade, Israel has become a major regional player that dictates how things will play out in the entire area, or at least influences it, in contrast to allowing its neighbors and their actions to decide things like it used to.
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It appears that the Arab world is keeping mum on the political upheavals in Israel, and we aren't seeing either joy or schadenfreude about them, nor are we sensing any expectation of or hope for change.
Mostly, there is weariness from all the drams, a lack of understanding of the political game in a democracy, and more importantly – a certain level of concern about the paralysis that has gripped Israel and the possibility that it might change direction.
It's no secret that most Arab states, especially Israel's partners in the Abraham Accords, see Israel as an alliance in their battle against the Iranian threat and as an entity that can help bring them economic progress and prosperity that will ensure their future and that of the region as a whole.
It is also important to note that they also don't give much weight to the Palestinian issue. At most, they see it as a nuisance that should be kept on a back burner and not be allowed to ignite and foist itself on their agenda.
A strong and stable Israel is in the interest of many Arab states, even if they aren't admitting it publicly. For the past decade, they have seen the Israeli government as a stale partner and even an effective, aggressive ally that sees eye to eye with them when it comes to the regional reality and is determined to join the fierce battle against the next threat coming out of Iran.
All this aside, everyone remembers the late Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, who in June 1981 was asked by his staff to call and congratulate "the next prime minister of Israel," Shimon Peres, on his victory. But Sadat preferred to go to bed. The next morning, he sent warm congratulations to Menachem Begin, his partner in the peace treaty, whom he had preferred to see win. No one is jumping to offer premature congratulations.
In contrast to the silence from the Arab world, there is rejoicing in Tehran. The Iranians haven't waited, and rushed to declare "the end of the Netanyahu era," or as Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif put it, "the dustbin of history."
Tehran is convinced that the stars are about to line up with their dearest wishes. At first, former US President Trump, who placed heavy sanctions on Iran and crushed its economy, was voted out, and then came President Biden, who wants to reach a nuclear deal that will strengthen Iran without it having to forgo its aspirations. And now Netanyahu might step off the stage after a decade in which he spearheaded an effective, uncompromising fight against Iran in the regional and international arenas.
This is a convenient reality for Iran, which is preparing to wage war for Iraq after the Americans' expected withdrawal, hoping to bolster its grip on Syria and Lebanon and send its tentacles deeper into the Gaza Strip,
Given all this, it's no wonder the Arab world is hoping that Israel will see renewed political stability and will continue to cooperate with them on regional problems.
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