The carcass of a whale washed up on Nitzanim Beach on Israel's southern coast on Thursday evening. Israel Nature and Parks Authority ranger David Halfon arrived at the beach and saw that the whale measured 10 meters [yards) in length.
Video: David Halfon, Israel Nature and Parks Authority
Dr. Aviad Scheinan of the Morris Kahn Marine Research Station said, "It was very likely a fin whale. Two weeks ago there were reports [about whales] from two people in Ashdod and Herzliya, without video footage. This is a fairly uncommon occurrence. The last documentation was in 2016.
"Usually, young individual whales arrive in our area. In this case, two, the animal was young, about 10 meters long. At adulthood in the Mediterranean Sea, they grow as long as 20 meters [65 feet], and in the ocean as long as 24 meters [78 feet]."
Researchers are looking into the possibility that a buildup of tar injured the animal, causing it to wash up on the beach.