Jewish groups on Tuesday issued statements of mourning and condolences over the passing of philanthropist Sheldon Adelson, who died Monday at his home in Malibu, Californian at the age of 87.
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The Jewish Agency said it "mourns the passing of Sheldon Adelson, who was a great supporter of the Jewish people and a tremendous advocate for the State of Israel. His boundless dedication and generosity will serve as his legacy for generations to come.
"Adelson, along with his wife Dr. Miriam Adelson, were passionate about bringing world Jewry closer to Israel. In this capacity, the Adelsons have been key supporters of the Jewish Agency's shlichut [emissaries] program," the statement said, noting that in recognition of their generosity, the Jewish Agency's Shlichut Institute and its host building in Kiryat Moriah in Jerusalem were recently named in honor of the Adelsons.
"The Adelsons' commitment to the shlichut program was personal and heartfelt. Jewish Agency shlichim serving in the United States have shared countless stories of being invited to the Adelson home for dinner and moving personal conversations with the family, a true testimony to the extent of the Adelsons' dedication."
Jewish Agency Chairman Isaac Herzog said, "I always told Sheldon that he's the modern-day Moses Montefiore of our generation. Just as he who broke barriers and built Jerusalem, so did Adelson in Jewish education and connection to Israel. I had the honor of a close relationship with him for many years and he was no doubt among the greatest leaders of the Jewish people throughout this generation. His generosity, openness, modesty and accessibility always stood out. Even when we had differences of opinion, I always loved him."
Chairman of the Board of the Jewish Agency Michael Siegal also issued a statement saying, "Today, the entire world lost one of its greatest philanthropists. Sheldon Adelson made a profound difference to countless young Jews around the world with his unyielding commitment to the Birthright program. He was approachable and principled. It was a privilege to know him and his loss will be felt by many. We extend our heartfelt condolences to Miriam and his entire family."
Natan Sharansky, former Jewish Agency head and the founding chairman of the Adelson Shlichut Institute, said, "Sheldon has been a dear personal friend to me, as well as to the shlichut program. Without his belief in the work of shlichim and his vision of the long-term impact shlichim have in forging ties to Israel and in combating BDS and antisemitism, the growth of the shlichut program, thanks to his support over the past decade, wouldn't be possible. I will miss him greatly."
The Israeli-American Council issued a statement saying, "We received the news about the passing of Sheldon G. Adelson with a heavy heart and great sadness. The Israeli-American Council mourns the loss of our visionary, mentor, and true friend.
"Sheldon Adelson was one of the world's leading entrepreneurs and business leaders. Together with his wife, Dr. Miriam Adelson, he was the greatest Jewish-world philanthropist of our time. He touched countless lives with his generosity, devotion, and passion for Jewish causes and connecting and the younger generation to Israel.
"With the foresight and support of the Adelsons, Sheldon's vision is now in more than 100 communities and more than 90 campuses and has brought Israel to the hearts of hundreds of thousands of Israeli and Jewish Americans across the nation.
"Sheldon's unequivocal love of Israel and of the Jewish people will be a legacy that will always inspire us. We will greatly miss his wisdom, leadership, and dedication and we will strive to continue to fulfill his vision in support of Israel and of the Jewish people. May his memory be blessed," the IAC concluded.
United Hatzalah, an Israeli volunteer-based emergency medical services organization, also offered its condolences to the Adelson family, saying its members were "greatly saddened by the passing of American philanthropist Sheldon Adelson.
"Sheldon was a visionary business and philanthropic leader and a great supporter of Israel. He and his wife Dr. Miriam Adelson were also instrumental in helping United Hatzalah Founder and President Eli Beer during his fight with COVID-19 in March and April of 2020. Eli Beer describes Sheldon and Dr. Miriam as his 'guardian angels.'"
Beer said, "Sheldon was a true role model and inspiration for living life fully. He was also a proud Jewish American. In the last 200 years of history, there are three people who have made a massive impact on Israel, the Jewish people, and me personally: Baron Rothschild, Sir Moses Montefiore, and Sheldon Adelson.
"We lost a giant today but I am proud to know his family and am sure they will continue his work. Baruch Dayan Ha'emet, may his memory be a blessing."
The Friends of the Israel Defense Forces organization issued a statement saying, "Today we lost a beloved friend, dear partner, and true Zionist. His generous and unending support for the soldiers of Israel, and his commitment to the strength of the Jewish State and its people, have touched the lives of people all around the world and will live on in our hearts forever. The passing of Sheldon Adelson is a tremendous loss, to us personally, and to the entire Jewish nation."
Sheldon Adelson's contribution over the past years has created many opportunities for Birthright participants and has enabled many to come to Israel, ONWARD ISRAEL said in a statement. The organization runs and coordinates summer internship programs for students from abroad in Israel,
The organization's CEO, Ilan Wagner, expressed his appreciation for "the great contribution of Birthright to the fostering of desire among its graduates to return to Israel and specialize in companies in the Israeli economy.
"Repeat visits among young Jews in Israel contributes to the economy and the tourism and constitutes a springboard for those Israeli companies, strengthening the connection with the global world in general and the Jewish world in particular."
TAMID Group, an organization that has partnered together with ONWARD ISRAEL in creating student summer programs in Israel, echoed that sentiment with a statement issued on behalf of Yoni Heilman the CEO. "Mr. Adelson has put tremendous effort into enabling the development of a personal relationship between North America and Israeli young people. His influence will be felt for generations," he said.
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