Pornhub, one of the most popular adult content websites in the world said Monday that it had pulled content uploaded by unverified users over allegations of child sex-abuse content.
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The platform removed more than 10 million sex videos from its database of about 13.5 million videos.
The move was a part of a policy shift announced last week by which Pornhub banned users' ability to download videos and said it would allow only certain partner accounts to upload content.
"It is clear that Pornhub is being targeted not because of our policies and how we compare to our peers, but because we are an adult content platform," the company said in the blog post late on Sunday.
It also said it was being targeted by organizations such as the National Center on Sexual Exploitation and Exodus Cry/TraffickingHub, which are dedicated to abolishing pornography, banning material they claim is obscene, and shutting down commercial sex work.