On Wednesday, The Health Ministry published a series of new, unprecedented measures as part of its preparation for a coronavirus epidemic in Israel.
The goal of these measures is to "reduce the potential for infection and preventing the spread of the illness in Israel." Instructions to the public were delivered in a special announcement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, attesting to the severe threat the pandemic poses.
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With preparations for a potential nationwide shutdown gaining speed, Israel Hayom has the answers to a few burning questions:
Can I travel to and from Israel?
Israel has not closed Ben-Gurion International Airport but most flights to and from the Jewish state have been canceled due to various travel restrictions worldwide and poor ticket sales. Israelis returning from stays overseas and tourists arriving in Israel, regardless of their country of origin, must enter a 14-day quarantine period.
Is the Health Ministry limiting mass events?
The public has been instructed to avoid group gatherings in one space as much as possible. If such gatherings do take place, they cannot exceed 100 people. Exceptions will be made for IDF and emergency services' meetings.
Can private and family events still be held?
Private events such as weddings, bar mitzvah parties, and other family celebrations will be allowed, providing that the number of participants does not exceed 100. Consequently, many events will have to be canceled.
What about culture and sports?
Cultural events, including plays, shows, and concerts, will be canceled or held – if at all – under highly restricted conditions. Sporting events will take place without spectators, and the Health Ministry has clarified that if players or referees arriving from abroad take part in the game, specific instructions related to the sports must be implemented.
In addition, stores, malls, and shopping centers will be responsible for preventing crowds and regulating the number of visitors at all times. As a general rule, people should maintain a reasonable distance from each other.
What about workplaces?
As part of the country's preparations for a surge in the epidemic, employers have been instructed to allow, as much as possible, for employees to work from home. The Health Ministry is preparing the public for the possibility that if the disease spreads quickly, the private and public sectors will have to suspend all operations.

What about the education system?
As of Thursday evening, Israel has shuttered all schools, except for daycare facilities, pending further assessment next week. Higher education facilities have been instructed to defer the opening of the spring semester by at least two weeks, and gear up to hold online classes. Special instructions for parents and teachers have also been issued by the Education Ministry.
I feel under the weather and worry I may have been infected. What should I do?
The Ministry's clear instruction is to inform your Health Maintenance Organization clinic or to notify the hospital before you arrive, to allow the medical teams to prepare. The ministry has set up a hotline (*5400 in Israel) to receive general information and assistance, or the Magen David Adom emergency services in case of flu-like symptoms, including fever, coughing, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing.
As of Wednesday, the Health Ministry has instructed all those with a fever of 38°C or higher and exhibiting respiratory symptoms (a cough or difficulty breathing) to stay home for at least two days after the fever has gone down, regardless of coronavirus testing.
Where will patients be hospitalized?
As of Thursday, most coronavirus patients are hospitalized, with patients admitted to almost every hospital throughout the country. Almost all are experiencing only mild symptoms. The Health Ministry is preparing for a scenario wherein most Israeli patients will remain at home, as in the case of seasonal flu, with monitoring by their regular doctors and nurses, and only patients requiring hospitalization will be admitted to hospitals.
Is the virus expected to continue spreading?
The Health Ministry estimates that within a short time a rapid increase will be seen in the number of cases in Israel, possibly in the hundreds, thousands or even more. Consequently, and in light of the devastating situation in China and Italy, the Health Ministry is attempting to reduce and slow the spread of the virus in order to prevent hospitals from collapsing and keep the epidemic under control as much as possible.
How does the Health Ministry plan to enforce self-quarantine on tens of thousands of Israelis?
The Health Ministry is authorized by law, with the aid of the Israel Police, to enforce self-quarantine, and a violation of the quarantine can be considered a serious criminal offense, namely – the spread of illness and endangering public health.
At the beginning of the week, the police announced that they have already investigated eight complaints against citizens who violated their quarantine. In parallel, the Health Ministry has received about 2,000 complaints regarding violations of quarantine. However, we should keep in mind that most of the Health Ministry's measures are based on social and civil solidarity and on a personal commitment by the entire public, no less than on medical technologies and threats by police and even enforcing compliance.