Over three-quarters (78%) of adult Israelis would turn to the authorities and report neighbors who violated quarantine orders after returning from the Far East at risk of spreading Coronavirus, a poll conducted by the Israeli Center for Promotion of Fairness (ICPF) shows.
In light of the growing danger of Coronavirus spreading in Israel, which has prompted the government to take steps to contain the risk, the ICPF conducted a survey to assess the willingness of the Israeli public to take action and report individuals who violate quarantine orders from the Health Ministry.
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Nearly half (49%) of the public said they thought that Israelis returning from abroad would ignore quarantine orders from the Health Ministry. A total of 55% of respondents thought that Israelis would not report neighbors for violating quarantine.
The Health Ministry has asked Israelis returning from China, Thailand, Japan, and other Far East countries to quarantine themselves until it can be ascertained that they are not infected with the virus.
The survey polled a sample population of 510 Israelis age 18 and over.