FLORIDA – The show of solidarity afforded to the State of Israel at the Israeli American Council National Summit in Florida on Saturday was one of the most impressive ever. Over 4,200 IAC members gave standing ovations to every pro-Israel message uttered on stage.
This may seem like a natural occurrence at a pro-Israel summit, but when this summit is led by the keynote speaker who is none other than US President Donald Trump who, apart from converting to Judaism, has given everything he had to the audience, you really do have to pinch yourself and wonder – is this really happening?
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Donald Trump loves us. Period. No "but" or "maybe" about it. I have argued this time and again. And the Israeli public feels the difference. After eight years of the Obama administration, it's a little hard to get used to all the benefits Washington is affording Israel. True, we're no strangers to friendly and warm American presidents, from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush. But one way or another, we have become accustomed to any benefits and gestures coming in return for concessions, sometimes painful ones.
Things are different with Trump. Not only has his administration's gestures never been conditioned on Israeli concessions, but he also never shows up empty-handed, so to speak, thus repeatedly stunning skeptical pundits. First was the US Embassy's move to Jerusalem, then the recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and his decision to pull the US out of the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran. Then came the announcement by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, refuting the false and misleading narrative that Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria somehow violate international law.
And something tells me it's not over, and all of this has taken place with a year before the president's first term ends. Is it any wonder that the audience kept chanting, "Four more years" during his speech?
But something clouded the event. I have had the opportunity to talk to President Trump on numerous occasions, including at the conference, and I have been repeatedly reminded of the fact that he is the most pro-Israel president we have ever dealt with. But Israel, instead of making the most out of this tremendous friendship and promoting issues imperative to Israel, is crippled by a political logjam and mired in mudslinging, leaks, accusations, and political courting; all while our best friend is struggling to understand what is happening with its stable partner in the Middle East.
It is a pity that, with such a sympathetic administration to work with, Israel can't seem to muster up a stable government – and, it can be said, a stable national government. The Israeli national camp has been blessed with an American president who wants to give, unconditionally, but has no one to give things to. Israel's political system is responsible for this as a whole, but right-wing lawmakers are doubly responsible, as they are the ones who are throwing away a historic opportunity – one that can never be recaptured – to realize substantial parts of their worldview and formative values.
Instead of taking advantage of this ideological golden age, they play musical chairs, hide-and-seek, and present each other with ultimatums. Each and every one of these lawmakers knows exactly what party they play in this political mess and each of them knows what they have to do to climb down the proverbial tree so that the seats won in the elections are turned into a stable national government.
Some are under the impression they will go down in history as decent politicians who stood by their principles, but in reality, they are more likely to be sidelined over petty politics that prevented Israel from realizing historical moves.
If there is one moment that encapsulates everything for me, it's the special moment when Yair Fumberg, a member of the Shalva Band who performed at the summit, ran into Trump's arms to hug him. It was one of the most powerful things I've ever seen. For a moment, I thought this adorable boy represented you and me on the stage – he was charming Israel; religious and secular, Right and Left, that Israel owes a huge thank you to Trump, and he and Shalva told President Trump "thank you" on behalf of the entire nation of Israel.
Hanukkah is approaching, and in a few days, we may face a third election campaign. Is there a chance for a Hanukkah miracle this year, if not for Trump, then for Israel? It is closer than ever – it's within our reach – if we are only wise enough to grab it.