IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi on Thursday leveled harsh criticism at a so-called "modesty decree" issued by several senior rabbinical figures, among them military rabbis, saying it was not their place to dictate soldiers' conduct.
The booklet, issued in early October, included instructions for religious soldiers on how to avoid interaction with women. The IDF prides itself on including women in nearly all units, including combat units, and while it makes allowances for religious soldiers who seek to avoid serving in mixed combat units, it often has to ward off attacks by religious figures who demand women be excluded from combat units.
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Several extreme religious figures have even demanded women be excluded from the Israeli military as a whole.
Addressing the issue during an officers' graduation ceremony held in central Israel on Thursday Kochavi said: "This would be a good opportunity to underscore what is the exclusive and important role of commanders in the army. Over the years, and even more recently, I have encountered attempts by non-military officials to dictate norms of conduct to soldiers. For example, issuing guidelines regarding the joint service for women and men in the IDF.
"Let me be absolutely clear: The only people who have any authority on the matter are those who define military orders, procedures, and norms, namely military commanders, chief among them, me. There is no place in the IDF for external individuals who presume to have authority over our soldiers."
Women who serve in the IDF "are a source of strength and power, and their contribution to all military units is immense," the chief of staff proclaimed. "Men and women will continue to serve side by side, as one, in the Israel Defense Forces so as to ensure the security of the State of Israel."
A Reserve Rabbis Forum, which issued the booklet, issued a statement saying, "We hope that the booklet we issued assists military rabbis in their important work, for the security of Israel and the military's success."
After Israel Hayom broke the story that the booklet was issued, Yisrael Beytenu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman warned that the religious establishment was trying to turn the IDF into a religious militia.
"The publication of a booklet with modesty guidelines for soldiers is yet another example of the radicalization of the national-religious camp, led by haredi nationalist elements," Lieberman wrote on Facebook, warning the IDF was becoming "Hashem's army" (God's army).
"This attempt to make the IDF into a haredi organization is part of this messianic trend that has been plaguing Israeli society and undermines the delicate status quo between religion and state," he continued. "This must be stopped; this booklet should not be handed out to IDF soldiers."