Ahead of Rosh Hashanah, The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) announced that it had distributed 1,200 gift packages and 17,000 food packages and coupons along with 8,500 clothing gift cards to "members of the most vulnerable sectors in Israeli society."
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The group, known for its extensive philanthropic activity in Israel as a means of promoting interfaith understanding, told Israel Hayom this latest campaign was aimed at ensuring that "all Israelis celebrate the upcoming Jewish new year."
The fellowship has also made sure that 19 soup kitchens scattered throughout Israel will serve at least 1,500 people in need. "The Fellowship is praying for the resources to prepare enough High Holy Days food boxes in time to give charity to Jews whose only prayer is to have food on the table during this sacred season," it said on its website.
"According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, approximately 25% of the elderly population in Israel will not be able to fully provide for themselves over the coming month [when the Jewish High Holy Days take place]," the organization said in a statement."
Galina, originally from Moscow, is one of the recipients. "I am disabled and I only live off of my national insurance allowance. I come here a lot in order to receive milk and other basic necessities," she said, according to the fellowship. "I am very fortunate that there are such organizations that help us, but I do think it is the country's obligation to help the people who do not have the means to do so themselves. "
Yael Eckstein, the president of the fellowship, was quoted as saying that the organization could not ignore the needs of low-income Israelis at this special time of the year. But she also noted that lines at soup kitchens and at the distribution of food packages continue well after the holidays are over.
"The fellowship strives to help, as much as possible, the poor and the lonely among the elderly population and families who are unable to fully provide food and clothing for their children," she said in a statement. "Ultimately, the government has the responsibility to fully alleviate poverty."