Adva Biton, whose daughter Adele died in 2015 two years after being left disabled by a terrorist attack, has given birth to a baby girl on what would have been Adele's 8th birthday.
In January 2016, five Arab teenagers were convicted for throwing rocks at Biton's car in March 2013, causing her to lose control and crash into a truck on Route 5 near the city of Ariel in Samaria. They were sentenced to 15 years in prison and their families were fined.
Adele suffered brain trauma as a result of the attack and was left paralyzed and unresponsive. In 2015, Adele died of pneumonia related to her injuries.
On Monday, Adva posted to Facebook: "By the grace of G-d, and in the merit of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness [whose yahrzeit was on that day], I gave birth to our seventh daughter on the same date of her sister Adele of blessed memory! A mixture of emotions!"
"Just as we live with our loss 24/7, we choose life and continue to bring life into the world," Adva said.
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