The High Court of Justice rejected on Monday a petition filed by the family of terrorist Assam Barghouti – who carried out the shooting attack at the Givat Asaf outpost that killed IDF soldiers Sgt. Yosef Cohen and Staff Sgt. Yovel Mor Yosef and was involved in a shooting at an intersection outside the Ofra settlement that left seven Israelis wounded, including Shira Ish-Ran, who was 30 weeks pregnant and whose son, Aviad Yisrael, died days after being delivered in an emergency cesarean section – against the planned demolition of Barghouti's home.
Justice Neal Hendel wrote in his ruling: "I will suffice by saying that the classified material I reviewed, with the agreement of the petitioners, unequivocally supports the possibility [of demolition], and demonstrates that the deterrent effect is still viable.
"I will add that the material submitted is thorough and balanced, and in certain senses even surprising," Hendel wrote.
Mor Yosef's mother, Ilanit, said, "Until I see the home demolished, I won't believe anything. I want to see them demolish his [Barghouti's] home with my own eyes. It's already too late; it should have been done already."