The condition of Chief Rabbi of Argentina Gabriel Davidovich is improving after he was badly beaten during a home invasion on Monday.
A group of burglars entered his home in Buenos Aires on Monday morning. His wife was tied up during the incident, the local Jewish umbrella organization AMIA said in a statement.
Although it unclear whether this attack was motivated by anti-Semitism, there is a growing suspicion that he was targeted because he was Jewish.
AMIA said that the attackers "savagely" attacked him and even told him that they knew he was the most prominent Argentine rabbi.
Davidovich is still hospitalized with nine broken ribs, a punctured lung, and a concussion. He is expected to be released by the weekend.
In an interview with the local Clarín newspaper, Davidovich said, "I'm not angry and don't want revenge. I am one of those who forgive. I don't know if the attack was anti-Semitic. My body hurts a lot, but I'm calm and I'm not afraid."
The chief rabbi told the newspaper that the intruders beat him and jumped on his body while he was on the floor.
"After that, I don't remember what happened. From the time I get out of the hospital, I'll have at least a month of recovery and rehab, and I'll spend the time with my wife and four children. I'm a little weak right now due to the pain relievers and the antibiotics," he said.
Israeli Ambassador to Argentina Ilan Stolman paid a visit to Davidovich on Wednesday, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called him to ask how he was doing.