US Jews urge Congress to name envoy to combat anti-‎Semitism ‎

Dozens of Jewish groups called on Congress this week to complete ‎work on two bipartisan bills aimed at targeting anti-Semitism in the United ‎States and abroad.‎

The first bill, the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-‎Semitism Act, seeks to name an ambassador to the position, left ‎empty since January 2017.‎ The Office of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-‎‎Semitism, part of the Office of Religion and Global Affairs at the ‎State Department, "advocates U.S. policy on anti-‎Semitism both in the United States ‎and internationally, develops ‎and implements policies and projects ‎to support efforts to combat ‎anti-Semitism."‎

The second bill, the Combating European Anti-Semitism Act, ‎‎declares that "it is in the U.S. interest to combat anti-Semitism at ‎home and abroad."‎

The letter was signed by 72 Jewish groups, ‎including the Anti-Defamation League, the Conference of Presidents of ‎Major American Jewish Organizations, J Street, the Jewish Council ‎for Public Affairs and the Jewish Federations of North America, and was ‎sent to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Senate ‎Minority Leader Charles Schumer, House Speaker Paul Ryan ‎and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

It called on lawmakers to take action on the two bills before Congress ends its current session.‎

This "would ‎send an important message that America will not ‎remain silent as ‎international Jewish communities are threatened,‎" ‎the letter said. ‎

‎"The United States has been without a special envoy to monitor and ‎combat anti-Semitism since January 2017, even though this State ‎Department position is mandated by law," the letter said.

"Meanwhile, anti-Semitic assaults increased in the U.K. in 2017 by ‎‎34% according to the Community Security Trust. In France, violent ‎anti-Semitic acts increased by 28% in 2017, according to the French ‎Interior Ministry. Anti-Semitic vandalism increased by 40% in the ‎Netherlands in 2017 according to CIDI, the Dutch anti-Semitism ‎monitoring organization.

"Additionally, in 2018 a broad swath of ‎leaders from the Jewish communities in both Poland and Ukraine ‎issued open letters decrying a rise in anti-Semitic speech or ‎incidents in those countries as well. ‎

‎"The Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Act ‎emphasizes the urgency of filling this special envoy position in a ‎timely manner and lays out absolute minimum qualifications for the ‎job. It would also boost the envoy's chances of ‎success by ensuring that he or she reports directly to the secretary ‎of state, by elevating the position to the rank of ambassador, and ‎by authorizing the envoy to coordinate efforts across the entire U.S. ‎government with regard to anti-Semitism in foreign countries."‎

The Combating European Anti-Semitism Act "declares that it is in ‎the U.S. interest to combat anti-Semitism at home and abroad, that ‎there is a need to ensure the security of European Jewish ‎communities, and that the U.S. should continue to emphasize in ‎multilateral bodies the importance of combating anti-Semitism," the ‎letter said. ‎

Meanwhile, the European Commission announced Thursday that it was ‎becoming a permanent international partner to the International ‎Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, with the aim of bolstering the fight ‎against anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, racism and xenophobia ‎across the continent. ‎

The move was a direct follow-up to EU Commission President Jean-‎Claude Juncker's call for closer international cooperation on these ‎issues. ‎

‎"With a decreasing number of Holocaust survivors and at a time ‎when anti-Semitism is on the rise, we need to foster the memory of ‎the darkest chapter in our history. The EU joining the International ‎Holocaust Remembrance Alliance will help promote understanding ‎so that future generations will heed the lessons of our past," said ‎EU Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans.‎

EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Vera ‎Jourová said, "This commitment is part of our wider effort to fight ‎against anti-Semitism. Our involvement in the International ‎Holocaust Remembrance Alliance has special importance at a time ‎when Holocaust denial is spreading."‎

Also on Thursday, the New York City Police launched a hate-‎crime investigation after swastikas and an anti-Semitic slur were ‎found scrawled on the office walls of a Jewish professor at Columbia University.

Professor Elizabeth Midlarsky said ‎she was shocked by the vandalism of her office. ‎

‎"I stopped for a moment because I couldn't believe what I was ‎seeing," she told local media.‎

The university said in a statement that it was "outraged and ‎horrified by this act of aggression and use of this vile anti-Semitic ‎symbol against a valued member of our community," and that it was ‎‎"working with police to discover the perpetrator of this hateful act."‎