IDF issues broad restrictions on soldiers' social ‎media behavior ‎

The Israeli military on Monday issued a new directive ‎seeking to regulate soldiers' social media behavior.‎

Titled "IDF Soldiers' Use of the Cybersphere," the ‎directive prohibits soldiers from posting comments ‎on political, diplomatic and military issues on ‎their private social media profiles or in groups they follow, and bars them ‎from "liking" or commenting on pages managed by ‎politicians or parties. ‎

The orders further and explicitly bar soldiers from ‎uploading any type of classified material to social ‎media websites. ‎

This is the first time the IDF is regulating ‎soldiers' social media behavior, after years in ‎which the military's directives and enforcement of ‎the issue were unclear.‎

The new directive "seeks to set guidelines for ‎soldiers' behavior while using the cybersphere and ‎especially social media, in accordance with human ‎dignity, military values and the restrictions all ‎soldiers must adhere to given information security ‎needs and the need to protect the personal safety of ‎all uniformed personnel," the military said. ‎

‎"Unbecoming online conduct, which does not coincide with military values ‎or infringes on human dignity has a negative effect ‎on the IDF's public image and perception. Moreover, ‎posting classified information online could ‎compromise national security.‎

‎"Violating these orders can, under certain ‎circumstances, lead to disciplinary and even ‎criminal action against soldiers," the IDF said.‎

The new directive does include some exceptions, such ‎as allowing soldiers to "follow" political figures ‎or groups for monitoring purposes, according to ‎their professional assignments.‎

Orders also demand that soldiers who believe any ‎individual or entity have contacted them online for ‎the purpose of deriving classified information, ‎report the issue immediately to their unit's ‎information security officer.‎

An IDF official explained that the decision to issue ‎the new directive stemmed from several reasons, ‎primarily repeated attempts by terrorist groups like ‎Hamas and Islamic Jihad to dupe soldiers into giving ‎them classified information online. ‎

As for the political aspects of the new order, he ‎explained that "there are some things soldiers ‎cannot do online for the mere fact that they are in ‎uniform. Soldiers can't express an opinion on ‎political, controversial or sensitive matters."‎

Another officer clarified that soldiers who ‎subscribed to politicians' social media pages prior ‎to enlisting are not required to unfollow them, but ‎are prohibited from actively participating in ‎conversations or activities on these pages. ‎