At UN, Netanyahu exposes another secret Iranian ‎nuclear warehouse ‎

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on ‎Thursday described what he said was a secret atomic ‎warehouse in Iran and accused Europe of appeasing ‎Iran.‎

Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, ‎Netanyahu showed an aerial photograph of the Iranian ‎capital marked with a red arrow and pointed to what ‎he said was a previously secret warehouse holding ‎nuclear-related material.‎

In May, Netanyahu revealed that Israel had obtained ‎incriminating evidence from an Iranian archive, ‎proving Tehran has lied to world powers during and ‎after the signing of the 2015 nuclear agreement.‎

The evidence – over 100,000 pages and 183 CDs – was ‎obtained in a secret operation by the Mossad, ‎Israel's national intelligence agency.‎

Addressing world leaders on Thursday, Netanyahu ‎accused Iran of hiding a clandestine nuclear ‎warehouse in a rug-cleaning plant in Tehran, arguing ‎that this showed Iran still sought to obtain nuclear ‎weapons despite ostensibly agreeing to relinquish ‎this aspiration.‎

Netanyahu said the site in question contained some ‎‎33 pounds of radioactive material that has since ‎been moved, and called on the U.N. atomic agency to ‎inspect the location immediately.‎

‎'U.N. must take action'‎

Criticizing the IAEA he said, "In May, I presented a ‎short summary of what we obtained to the ‎international media. I provided hard evidence of ‎Iran's plans to build nuclear weapons and its plans ‎to deceive the international community. Israel ‎shared this information and even more damning ‎evidence that we found with members of the P5+1, and ‎with the International Atomic Energy Agency.‎

‎"Months have passed. The IAEA has still not taken ‎any action. It has not posed a single question to ‎Iran. It has not demanded to inspect a single new ‎site discovered in that secret archive.‎

"So, given this inaction, I decided to reveal today ‎something else that we have shared with the IAEA and ‎with a few intelligence agencies. Today, I am ‎disclosing for the first time that Iran has another ‎secret facility in Tehran – a secret atomic ‎warehouse for storing massive amounts of equipment ‎and material from Iran's secret nuclear weapons ‎program."‎

Holding up the image of the facility, he said, "Here ‎it is. You see, like the atomic archive, it's ‎another innocent looking compound."‎

Netanyahu noted that Iran was aware that the site ‎had been discovered and was working to clean it out, ‎to further deceive the IAEA. ‎

‎"You have to ask yourself a question. Why did Iran ‎keep a secret atomic archive and a secret atomic ‎warehouse? … The answer to the question is simple. ‎The reason Iran didn't destroy its atomic archive ‎and its atomic warehouse is because it hasn't ‎abandoned its goal to develop nuclear weapons. In ‎fact, it planned to use both of these sites in a few ‎years when the time would be right to break out to ‎the atom bomb.‎

‎"But, ladies and gentlemen, rest assured, that won't ‎happen. It won't happen because what Iran hides, ‎Israel will find," he asserted. ‎

Netanyahu urged IAEA head Yukiya Amano to "do the ‎right thing. Go inspect this atomic warehouse, ‎immediately, before the Iranians finish clearing it ‎out."‎

Taking aim at the ayatollahs' regime, Netanyahu ‎said, "I also have a message today for the tyrants ‎of Tehran: Israel knows what you're doing, and ‎Israel knows where you're doing it. Israel will ‎never let a regime that calls for our destruction to ‎develop nuclear weapons. Not now, not in 10 years, ‎not ever.‎

‎"Israel will do whatever it must do to defend itself ‎against Iran's aggression. We will continue to act ‎against you in Syria. We will act against you in ‎Lebanon. We will act against you in Iraq. We will ‎act against you whenever and wherever we must act to ‎defend our state and defend our people."‎

Warning that Iran's hegemony aspirations would never ‎be confined to the Middle East, Netanyahu criticized ‎the fact that "while the United States is ‎confronting Iran with new sanctions, Europe and ‎others are appeasing Iran by trying to help it ‎bypass those sanctions.‎

‎"I'm a historian's son, I have to ask. I ask not ‎merely as an historian's son, I ask it as a Jew, as ‎a citizen of the world, as someone who's lived ‎through the 20th century: Have these European ‎leaders learned nothing from history? Will they ever ‎wake up?‎

Well, we in Israel, we don't need a wakeup call, ‎because Iran threatens us every day. Because despite ‎the best of hope, and there were many hopes around ‎the nuclear deal, this deal did not push war further ‎away. It brought war ever closer to our borders," ‎the prime minister said.‎

He lambasted Iran for its involvement in the Syrian ‎civil war and its attempt to establish permanent ‎military bases there from which to attack Israel, as ‎well as for its funding and arming of the Lebanon-‎based Hezbollah terrorist group. ‎

He then presented evidence that the latter was using ‎Iranian funding to build weapon production ‎facilities in the heart of Lebanese capital, ‎including near the Beirut's international airport.‎

Sattelite images of Iranian-funded Hezbollah ‎facilities in Beirut IDF Spokesperson's Unit ‎

‎"I also have a message for Hezbollah today: Israel ‎knows, Israel also knows what you're doing. Israel ‎knows where you're doing it. And Israel will not let ‎you get away with it," Netanyahu declared. ‎

He lauded U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to ‎withdraw from the 2015 deal and impose new sanctions ‎on the Islamic republic, saying, "Israel is deeply ‎grateful to President ‎Trump for his bold decision to ‎withdraw from the ‎disastrous nuclear deal with Iran. ‎Many, many of our ‎Arab neighbors are also grateful. ‎And everyone who ‎cares about the peace and security ‎of the world ‎should also be grateful."‎

Netanyahu urged European leaders to do the same. ‎

‎"Instead of coddling Iran's dictators, join the U.S. ‎and Israel and most of the Arab world in supporting ‎new sanctions against a regime that endangers all of ‎us and all of the world," he said.‎

The prime minister also hailed Arab states that have ‎been pursuing stronger ties with Israel following ‎the nuclear deal, saying the Iranian threat has, in ‎fact, "brought Israel and many Arab states closer ‎together than ever before, closer together than ever ‎before, in an intimacy and friendship that I've not ‎seen in my lifetime and would have been unimaginable ‎a few years ago.‎

‎"Israel deeply values these new friendships, and I ‎hope the day will soon arrive when Israel will be ‎able to expand peace, a formal peace, beyond Egypt ‎and Jordan to other Arab neighbors, including the ‎Palestinians. I look forward to working with ‎President Trump and his peace team to achieve that ‎goal."‎

After thanking Trump and U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. ‎Nikki Haley "for the unwavering support they have ‎provided Israel at the United Nations," the prime ‎minister lauded the U.S. for deciding to halt its ‎funding of UNRWA, the U.N. agency that aids ‎Palestinian refugees. ‎

UNRWA claims it serves 5 million Palestinian ‎refugees in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, the West Bank ‎and the Gaza Strip, but Washington and Jerusalem ‎dispute this figure, saying that UNRWA policies only ‎perpetuate the Palestinian notion of refugeehood ‎thus undermining the chances for peace.

Criticizing the U.N. for its clear anti-Israel bias, ‎Netanyahu said, "Day after day, the Trump ‎administration has stood up to what has long been a ‎specialty here at the UN – slandering Israel. Even ‎though the shameful resolution comparing Zionism to ‎racism was repealed 25 years ago, I'm sorry to say ‎that its foul stench still clings to these halls.‎

‎"Here at the U.N. Israel is absurdly accused of ‎racism … apartheid … and ethnic cleansing. Ladies ‎and gentlemen, you know what this is? It's the same ‎old antisemitism with a brand new face. That's all ‎it is," he said, adding, "What is unique about the ‎Jewish people is not that we have a nation-state. ‎What is unique is that many still oppose us having a ‎nation state."‎

‎'This is not how you achieve peace'‎

Turning his attention to the Israeli-Palestinian ‎conflict, Netanyahu blasted Palestinian Authority ‎President Mahmoud Abbas, who spoke shortly before ‎him, for rejecting all efforts to promote the ‎regional peace process.‎

"Moments ago, President Abbas outrageously said that ‎Israel's Nation-State Law proves that Israel is a ‎racist, apartheid state. ‎

‎"President Abbas, you should know better," Netanyahu ‎exclaimed. "You wrote a dissertation denying the ‎Holocaust. Your Palestinian Authority imposes death ‎sentences on Palestinians for selling land to Jews. ‎Did you hear that? If a Jew buys an apartment, a ‎piece of land anywhere in the Palestinian ‎territories, the Palestinian who sold him that land ‎is executed. That's what the law says.‎

"President Abbas, you proudly pay Palestinian ‎terrorists who murder Jews. In fact, the more they ‎slay, the more you pay. That's in their law too. And ‎you condemn Israel's morality? You call Israel ‎racist?‎

"This is not the way to peace. This is not the way to ‎achieve the peace we all want and need and to which ‎Israel remains committed. This body should not be ‎applauding the head of a regime that pays ‎terrorists. The U.N. should condemn such a ‎despicable policy."‎

Lauding Israel's achievements, Netanyahu said, "The ‎nation-state of Israel is the only place where the ‎Jewish people proudly exercise our collective right ‎of self-determination. That right was recognized ‎nearly a century ago by the League of Nations and ‎over 70 years ago by the United Nations when it ‎voted to support the establishment of a Jewish ‎state. That's what it said, that resolution – a Jewish ‎state.‎

‎"At the same time, Israel is a vibrant democracy, ‎where all its citizens –Jews and non-Jews alike – enjoy ‎equal individual rights, and these rights are ‎guaranteed by law. ‎

‎"In the Middle East, that's not obvious, now that's ‎an understatement, In the Middle East, where women ‎are often treated as property, minorities are ‎persecuted, gays are hanged, Israel stands out as a ‎shining example of freedom and progress. I could not ‎be more proud to represent my country, Israel," he ‎said.‎