Brazilian authorities arrest prominent Hezbollah ‎financier ‎

Brazilian authorities confirmed Friday that they ‎have arrested a man designated by the U.S. Treasury ‎Department as a high-ranking Hezbollah financier.‎

Assad Ahmad Barakat, 51, was arrested in Foz de ‎Iguacu, a ‎city in the border region between Brazil, ‎Argentina ‎and Paraguay, according to police.‎

Barakat has frequently faced accusations of illegal ‎activity in the region, known as the Triple ‎Frontier, which is also considered a haven for ‎smuggling, trafficking and counterfeiting.‎

The Brazilian Federal Police said that the country's ‎‎Supreme Court authorized Barakat's arrest after ‎‎Paraguayan authorities issued a warrant for his ‎arrest in August on suspicion of identity theft.‎

Police also said Argentine authorities accused him ‎‎of laundering $10 million through a casino in the ‎‎border city of Puerto Iguazu.‎

In 2004, the U.S. Treasury Department said Barakat ‎was one of the most influential members of the ‎Lebanon-based Shiite terrorist group Hezbollah, and ‎accused him of using his businesses in the tri-border area as fronts for raising funds for the ‎group, which is Iran's most powerful proxy in the ‎Middle East. ‎

Barakat was imprisoned in Paraguay from 2002 to 2008 ‎on charges of tax evasion. After his release, he ‎lived in Brazil and carried out business activities ‎in Paraguay, Argentina and Chile.‎